Bandwagon ahoy!
Have a meme:
Ask me anything. It can be about fandom, about me personally, about the weather, or about whatever else you can think of.
Also, have a writing meme because I'm stuck on the fics I've been working on since NaNo, I'm done with most of my homework, and I have nothing to do for the rest of the night. This sets the tone for
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- Has extremely sensitive hands
- Has some degree of empathy. Not to the degree of Soundwave's telepathy, but it's still there.
- Has read every single medical text Ratchet gave him, he could find off teletran, from the local library, and from local schools.
(b) His pacifism is honestly something I would be upset with if I ever had to rely on him for protection if I was wounded.
(c) Probably the most caring person in existence
- Has never assaulted another person. For any reason.
- Has never been in a situation where he was the only thing standing between a patient and an enemy
- First Aid has never been sent to the brig
- has never had to help a woman give birth, but he really, really wants to.
- Has never truly hated anyone
(the bad part? I actually ship some of these, but I needed names, dang-it.)
- Ratchet - Mostly because Ratchet nipped that in the bud before it had a chance to really develop.
- Wheeljack - has helped put him back together far too many times.
- Optimus Prime - Admires him, likes him as a patient, but he's just never really seen him that way. Also, Hot Spot has something of a puppy-dog crush on him and First Aid doesn't want to step on any toes.
- Sunstreaker - Far too violent, which is somewhat aggravating for First Aid when he has to fix te results of that violence.
- Sideswipe - teases Blades and shows up in the medical bay too often.
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That poor mother XD;
Hrm. Well, I don't actively ship any of them, but I can mae a case for most of them. So. I don't not ship any of them? ^^;
Hee - and Aid totally wants to deliver a baby! Have you seen tainry's chapter where he gets to drive Mikaela to the hospital when she goes into labor? SO ADORABLE! <3
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