Price Hikes and Justifications

Jan 11, 2007 15:34

Sometimes, I wonder if companies, authorities or even your trusty neighbourhood kopitiam uncle is trying to hard to justfiy why they had to increase the price on their services or products.

I respect the effort, really. But at least direct the effort into convincing arguments or reasons.

So far, I have really seen the lamest reasons coming from taxi companies, bus companies etc.

Let me set the record straight for you guys. Or rather, put in a way which "only our shareholders should know, but not the general paying public". We want to maximise profits. We want to "improve" our services or add more so that we look better than our competitiors. We want consumers to use us, come to us. We want our shareholders to be pleased that they have a higher dividend this year. We want to retain our high positions too, sans the good profits. We dont really care about making sure that the general public can afford it. After all this is a market economy! Demand and Supply! You got the money, I got the services (or rather I control the monopoly), lets do business! We will get complaints...but we will still survive in this business. Why? cos our shareholders are pleased with our performance.

So companies, authorities...and whosoever out there...just stop making lame excuses. I am so sick of hearing them.

$ increase of $0.20 for the flagdown rates of new Comfort's hyundai sonatas cabs...just cos it's new and has a bigger truck just lame. Please fire your corp comms rep or media rep. You need someone new to write your (convincing) public statements.
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