The Grim Reaper Strikes Again

Sep 15, 2008 16:12

It seems a hoard of shinigami are out on the loose.

Apparently one of my dad’s poker buddies was in the first cart when the train crash happened.

My corrupt and interesting morning:

Walking down Kingsburry St. I saw a little kitten dead on the sidewalk. Then further down was a dead bird. Really, two road kills in one sitting. Now that’s just odd. What is even odder is my locker had a love note in it saying; “I ♥ You!” in pink highlighter and very girly handwriting. My theory is they got the locker confused with one of the boys whose lockers surround mine... Must Frame it :D Finally while sitting in the lunch area chatting and waiting for the morning bell to ring. There was this loud humming from a helicopter flying over head. Some kid said a guy had a heart attack on campus. O__o and that’s the end of my bizarre morning.

XD Mr. Nuttall was making fun of UCLA and comparing their worst loss in history to how bad our Football team is and how horrible they lost in last Friday’s game…

Nyah! My calculator died in the middle of math class today.

*Mr. Nuttall looks at me.*

Me: *Oh Shit, My clac is dead… I dun wanna have to graph by hand. Don’t call me to the board, don’t call me to the board*

Mr. Nuttall: I’m going to let Samantha pick for someone to come up to the board.

Me: O_o?

Mr. Nuttall: I won’t be able to make it to the convention because I’m moving. Oh and be sexist and pick a boy. :]

Me: *shit, who do I pick? Johnathan, John, Sterling, Robert…Yah, he should be able to do the problem since he copied it off my HW >.<* Robert *Nyah! I just said his name with a British Accent*

Mr. Nuttall: Robert come on down! :D

Robert, miserable from a cold, stands up at the board with a vacant expression

Mr. Nuttall must have felt really sorry for the kid, because he actually walked Robert through the whole problem. All the bloody work to get the answer “2” in which was written right on his HW!  Gah! >.< I had let him copy my HW because I knew he was sick, but if he really didn’t trust my answers so much then he might as well not copied them. ;_;

:P Having great PR with the teacher is a magical gift. I really do get away with a lot...

Dude here is something confusing. There are two people by the name “Jonathan Chang” in my Math Class. O__o

Tehehe no math HW tonight because we asked too many questions and wasted the period away. Yay! More internet time! Dude for Gov. I have to write a break up letter the same way the colonist wrote a letter to the Government. Sfjklghfjk! That not fair, I’ve never had a boyfriend! How the hell am I going to know what to write? "Dear errrmm Josh, …. D: i hate fu and dun eva wanna see you again... <3 Love Samantha."
At least the lame music video curse that's afflicted NEWS has not affected my other boybands. (Watch, I just cursed them)
ME - SuJu-M <<
Happy Birthday - NEWS <<

band:suju-m, school:math

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