I’m sorry about the post spam lol
W00t, my English teacher moved the essay to Thursday. <3
I’m still in concert mode…
On face book I’m doing the pokemon training thing. I’m thinking of naming them after band members. Right now I’m looking at a Vulpix… I’m debating on what to name it. It reminds me of Tegoshi, the innocent adorable face.
Please pet my Tegoshi <3 (Wow that sounds wrong)
http://apps.facebook.com/pokemontrainer/train.php?uid=556641936 XDXDXDXD when I train a Ninetails I’m going to name it Heechul!
I also have to give them their likes and dislikes… I’m going to need help. This may change … the only official one so far is Tegoshi.
If you have any better ideas please speak up.
Massu- Ditto Likes: Gyoza, Dislikes: Bugs
Tegoshi Yuya - Vulpix - Likes: Karaoke / Soccer, Dislikes: To lose
Yamapi- Mew - Likes: , Dislikes:
Ryo Nishikido - Mewtwo - Likes: , Dislikes: Talkative girls
Shige- Growlithe - (XD he even looks like one!) Likes: Dogs and Cats, Dislikes:
Koyama- Jigglypuff - Likes: To talk a lot, Dislikes: Tomatoes
SuJu (my own idea of what pokemon they’d be)
KyuHyun - Poliwag -
DongHae - Butterfree -
SungMin - Vaporeon -
KiBum - Horsea -
EunHyuk - Flareon -
RyeoWook - Lapras -
ShinDong - Snorlax - Likes: Food and Dancing, Dislikes:
YehSung - Seel -
HeeChul - Ninetails -
ShiWon - Squirtal -
HanKyung - Oddish -
KangIn - Hitmonchan -
EeTeuk - Jolteon -
Hero 재중- Ponita -
Micky 유천- Raichu -
U-Know 윤호- Dratini -
Max 창민 - Diglett -
Xiah 준수- Pikachu -
Junnosuke -Eevee - Likes: To crack lame jokes, Dislikes: