Just a couple of things before continuing. Due to some people finding out about this LJ of mine, I've decided to lock my posts... cause I REALLY don't want them to be reading some of the posts here. And just somethings I thought you should know before adding me....
1) Please don't add me randomly, please reply to this post if you want me to add you. Thank.
2) I can take criticism but not insults, I'm trusting you all know what the difference between those two are.
3) Please don't start bitching at each other over something I've posted or said... that's just... pathetic, really.
4) And please keep things somewhat confidential, I mean... I friend-locked posts for a reason, and there're ULTRA personal matters that I don't want the entire net to know about.
5) And hopefully you'll like me... and my boring life. ^_^
EDIT: Those that I've added/added me before this post are all safe, this is only for future safety references only... ^_^; :D