
Feb 08, 2010 14:17

of my interests. I thought this was quiet fun, so I did whatyaoi_queen, too.
My Interests Collage! )

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seiichirou_uta February 9 2010, 23:34:23 UTC
Oh, sorry to hear about your problem- I hope you're well non the less.

Haha, sadly I did not make the gif, I got it from my best friend who is a huge fan of Cid. And since I'm a fan of bananas she thought this one to be quiet fitting. XD

Sure, there are a lot of videos. But I have to warn you beforehand: If you don't like horror you should not watch them, only listen. They all are from the different Silent Hill OSTs (oh, how I love those games): <- this is an official one, rather brutal. <- another official one <- one of my fav songs.

You can find much more if you take look at the "related videos" list. I hope you like it :D


yaoi_queen February 11 2010, 00:31:12 UTC
I'm relatively well. At the moment, though, my estrogen levels are too high, so I have to work at leveling them. :/

Hehe, even though I don't like horror, those clips weren't bad. ^^ I've heard about how scary the Silent Hill games are, especially when played at night. The music is really awesome! I'll have to download them. :) Thank you for showing them to me.

Do you like jrock/jpop?

Also, since you like Prussia, I was wondering if you RP as him. ^^


seiichirou_uta February 11 2010, 15:57:44 UTC
Yay, glad you liked it<3 Yes, SH is much more fun to play at nighttime. Especially when you're together with friends. Screaming at the same time (it happens seldom but it happens, I admit) is just too funny. XD

Yes, I like it. But only very little visual kei. kagrra and Gackt are the only ones I really like.
Others are Fake? (my fav!), Oblivion Dust, Jude, Sherbets, Chihiro Onizuka, The Cherry Chokes, Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra, Seikimatsu, Onmyouza, Kokia, J, Mucc, Inoran, Zilch, Shiina Ringo, The Inazuma Sentai, the solo works of Akira Yamaoka just to name some artists I like.

Prussia? Hmmm, I don't know. I guess he will be rather hard to play for me because he is so different from me even though I understand the way he thinks, I guess. It makes me laugh and I kinda like it but it's just not the way I think and that's what I love about this character. But then again this is, what makes me a little bit uncertain if I should ever try it.
And another reason I told ghrelin before, too:
I guess he would write in CAPSLOCK HALF OF THE TIME and I don't like that at all! Ò_ó ^^;


yaoi_queen February 12 2010, 06:51:31 UTC
Aw, I love visual kei. :3 Oh gosh yes to Kagrra~! <3 I love that band! They're music is amazing. Gackt is great, too. :)
Oh gosh... the sad thing is the only artist I recognize in that list is Chihiro Onizuka. ^^; She's got a lovely voice. So is there a specific genre of jrock/jpop you like? For example: indie, punk, classical, ballad, alternative, etc. Have you heard Pierrot or X Japan? Those two are my all time favorite jrock bands! <333 X Japan being #1. ♥

Haha! I've seen a Prussia RPer who caplocks a lot. XD But you wouldn't have to. I mean, it depends on your version of Prussia. For example, the Italy I RP as is quite philosophical, helpful, and... well... *flushes and looks away* kinda devious and bold. =^^=; He can be quite the flirt, which I would imagine to be every Germany's (and Prussia's who take a fancy to Italy) wet dream. XD His sensual side arose due to a very flirty Germany RPer who is a good friend of mine. :3 Since then, it tends to pop up in certain situations. Just... don't try to overpower him playfully. >.> He gets... *clears throat* Well, I'm sure you get the idea. ;D But of course my Italy is also airheaded, optimistic to a fault, a picky gourmet, and very cheerful. ^_^ Gotta keep most of him canon.

But anyway, RPing is a fun way to be yourself in someone else's shoes. It's a way to let loose and relieve stress, at least it is for me. I'm always incredibly happy when rping with someone. :D I was asking you about it because I was curious. ^^ Sad thing is when I see a Hetalia icon, I sometimes automatically assume they RP, since most in the community do. If you don't, that's perfectly fine. :) Again, it was just be being curious.


seiichirou_uta February 18 2010, 10:06:20 UTC
Ok, now about a little problem of mine: I tend to forget to answer mails and stuff.

Sorry! x_X

There are three posts from you that need a few answers and I think the easiest way is to answer them all here :o

Alrighty, first: GiriPan = GreecexJapan (the Japanese spell Greece "girisha", that's why). But Japan and UK are getting more and more to my liking. Strange thing since I'm not a fan of the Japan-tan. Oo (I don't dislike him, though!)

Second, the diary:
Writing on the back "There where so many words that wanted to be told" or something like that.
One empty page
I always drag it around with me :D

And third, this post in here:
Hm, I prefer rock most of the time, but, excluding reggae, I listen to nearly anything. Fake? for example play a mixture of punk, rock, new metal and a little bit of electro. Jude play garage rock revival, Inazuma Sentai is pure fun punk, Cherry Chokes Irish punk, Onmyouza metal, Akira Yamaoka mainly techno/house...
Sure I know Pierrot and X Japan, both are good bands, but not my favs. Haha, I know a lot of people who love X Japan. I think their music is alright, but I prefer Luna Sea. Btw: J used to be the bass guitar player, Inoran one of the guitar players!...
Ok, now this is complicated: I LOVE the solo works by Inoran. Very calm music, a little bit shy. Reminds me of Dido. But he did not work solo only. He also joined the band "Fake?" which has Ken Lloyd as singer (oh man, I freaking love that guy!). But a short time ago, Inoran left Fake? again to join Tourbillon, with the former singer from Luna Sea as front man, and, as far as I know, the other guitar player from Luna Sea, too. But I'm not quiet sure. Alright, on it goes: Ken Lloyd is not only the frontman from Fake? but also from Oblivion Dust. The guitar player from THIS band, is also the guitar player from a band called Vamps, and THERE the singer is Hyde! I guess you know Hyde from L'Arc en Ciel.
So... the former second guitar player from Luna Sea (Sugizo?) is also the guitar player at S.K.I.N. where Yoshiki from X Japan, Miyavi and Gackt take part, too. Now we've got our connection! ;D
Want me to go on? I could... I'm sure. XD

Hm, I could try playing Prussia at least once. No pain, no.... ah, no does not fit here. Hmmm. According to hetalia_rate I'm like Greece Oo Everyone who knows me is like "Greeeeeece? Naaaa~" (proof: Usually I need a lot of time to fall asleep and I'm everything else than a sound sleeper. Best proof ever! XD)
Maybe this could be interesting because I have a rather good knowledge about how Prussian people used to be. Maybe not so much about the historical facts, but the personal ones. Could be that the way I rp Prussia is quiet different from Himayura's version. A little bit colder, law-abiding, but also good in contorting rules. Hehe, I know quiet some jokes from the Prussian army. XD Oh man... o_o Now I'm getting curious, too ~.~


yaoi_queen February 18 2010, 10:52:42 UTC
We have lives, my dear. No need to worry about responding quickly. ;)

Aaaahhh! Okay, THAT makes more sense. I like Greece/Japan. :3 To be honest, I've never really understood England/Japan. They have next to no interaction in the strips, aside from the one where Kiku takes care of Arthur while he's sick. The cd drama of that strip is hilarious. XD But I guess fans are looking at it from a more historical stand-point. *shrugs*

But I digress.

*gasp* Your diary is AMAZING!! <333 You said you fashioned it by yourself, correct? Seriously, it's lovely. I love the original German text. Makes it look so much more authentic. ^^ I can't help but think that Cornelia would be more than flattered.

... damn, you've done your homework, haven't you? XD I'm familiar with most of the bands and singers you named. I LOVE Sugizo, Luna Sea, Hyde, Inoran (though I haven't heard them in years), and Vamps. OH GAWD, YOU REMIND OF S.K.I.N.!!!! T__T I was volunteering at a booth in the dealers room when they performed at Anime Expo a couple of years back. *sobs* I really wanted to see it! If only to see Yoshiki.
*waves a wary hand* No, you can stop there. Hehe. Even with my favorite bands, I don't really research them, which I guess is kinda sad. I've sorta wanted to do so with X Japan, but I'm okay with not knowing the finer details. :)

Haha! So you're like Greece, eh? That's cool. It takes me forever to fall asleep, too. XD Close Hetalia friends have said that I act a lot like Italy, so I guess I'm fit to rp him.

You wouldn't need to know anything historical involving Prussia, really. Little tidbits can come in if the conversation calls for it. Since these are personified nations, they usually lead a "conveyed" normal life, per se. So rps are usually quite casual. ^^ Your Prussia would be law-abiding? Now THAT sounds interesting. In-canon (with what little strip time he did have), he's already very cold and quite a douche. XD I don't know how you could make him colder... other than him, perhaps, turning a cold shoulder to those he should care for the most (like Germany, Italy, and Austria). Oooohhh, Prussian army jokes? I'm intrigued. ^^

Hehehehehe~ it's hard NOT to be curious about the rp world, especially when you like a certain character. ;D Join the dark side, Luke~! We have COOKIES!!


seiichirou_uta February 18 2010, 15:21:00 UTC
Meeeh, sadly I did not make the diary myself. ;_; I'm not capable of something like that. My mother got it at a bookstore as a present for buying (too many) books and since she already owned a diary she gave it to me.

Woah, I'd love to see or at least hear S.K.I.N. once, too. And you did not see them back then? omg, so close and yet so far. :((
It's been 3 years already since they started officially but still there are no recorded songs available. Ah well, there are other super-bands, like Them Crooked Vultures, hehe (Queens of the Stone Age+Foo Fighters+Led Zeppelin).

Oh, I do rp right now with ghrelin (she's US, I'm UK) on icq, so I already got cookies. XD Well, I like playing Arthur, but it's not easy especially when you've got US as the other character (ghrelin is really good at playing Alfred! Wow!) because that fine line between being bitchy and being friendly is very very hard to see, I think. Perhaps Prussia would be even easier to play since he does not have to act as the perfect gentleman on the outside while being rather harsh and impatient on the inside.
But then again: Where and when? XD Every time I see a RP, that I would be interested in... Prussia and every other nation I'd like to play has already been taken. *sigh*


yaoi_queen February 19 2010, 04:53:00 UTC
That is SO cool! I've seen all the awesome Inkheart merchandise Germany got when each book was released. Makes me so jealous. :( But there were some movie promotions in certain areas of the US. One of the prizes was a diary with the movie emblem on the cover. It looked alright. I bought the t-shirt on ebay, though. <3 I've always wanted one of the big movie posters, but they're so damned expensive. *merg*

Yes, my sis and I were very upset that we had volunteer hours during the damn concert. ;_; People said it was pretty cool. You can find some vids on youtube from people who snuck cameras into the concert hall. Oh and S.K.I.N. was just a one-time thing. The four artists never really had plans to collaborate. They all had their own things going anyway. I think Yoshiki was still working with Violet UK at the time. He's back with X Japan now, though! *cannot contain happiness* <3

Oh really? *hands you cookies anyway* Do you have examples of your Arthur in action? ^^ I've seen a number of England rpers and they're all awesome. So very tsundre and awkward. :3 He does seem like a tough character to play. It's like you have to be a grouchy old codger most of the time, but also stumble on your words when uncomfortable conversations arise.

You seem to be thinking far too much about staying in character. XD; With Prussia, he never got a lot of screen time, so it's anyone's guess how he'd act in many situations. Have you heard his song yet? I guess anyone can go by that when discovering his character. ^^; He's got Alfred's ego, but is a lot more brash and doesn't seem to consider people's feelings. It's all about how awesome he is 24/7. XD Though I have rped with a Prussia who's quite sweet; still egotistical, but sweet. It's all about your interpretation. Like I said before, my Italy isn't a complete airhead. He's a really in-depth character who has a lot of meaningful things to say. If that's not ooc, I don't know what is. XD It's worked for me and quite a few people seem to like it that way. I did try to be in-character when I rped with a Prussia, but it was tough. ^^; I felt like smacking myself for being such a ditz, even though I was just being Italy's usual self. XD

Oh, I see what you're saying. No, we wouldn't rp in a forum, if that's what you were implying. I've actually never done that before. We would rp right here in LJ. :) If you like, I can sign into my Italy LJ account, create a scenario via post, and we can go from there. Btw, I know how you feel pertaining to Hetalia rp forums. Most nations I wouldn't mind taking are usually gone within minutes. And there are so many on MSN, which sucks cuz I don't use that provider anymore. Multiple rping that way seems hectic, though. :/ I much prefer commenting back and forth. It's organized and not as strenuous.

So just let me know what you're comfortable with and we'll work something out. ^_^


seiichirou_uta February 19 2010, 11:02:35 UTC
I just copied all we had written for the rp until now... woah... we produced more than 25 DIN A4 pages and we are far from finishing this story. "XD I'll ask ghrelin if I may show you.

Of course I know his song- it's one of my favourites. <3
Hoho, when I read or see how many people think what Prussia's like... Himayura didn't do a good job, I think. The typical Prussian guy is different. Not entirely but appreciable. To be precisely: The character of Germany is typical Prussian only that he snaps far too easily. Prussians where said to be a little bit calmer and... yeah, colder (but at the same time they were better at playing pranks). I don't know if you know but the northern and eastern parts of Germany used to belong to Prussia, that's why the people living there still got some of that mentality even today. And that's the reason why people from the south (Bavaria e.g.) don't get along with them that good. I live in Bavaria but my father is from the northwest of Germany so I kind of have both sides in me. But I, too, have a habit of calling someone who's from the former parts of Prussia and who acts very "Prussian" a "Saubrais" (Saupreusse) which is slang for "Prussian swine". Haha, Germany can be quiet complicated when it comes to "who gets along with who?". XD
If you want to read a rather short play that is quiet funny and describes Prussians very very good, better than anything else I've read so far, you should try "Der Hauptmann von Köpenick" (The Captain of Köpenick) by Carl Zuckmayer.

So, after getting off the point again, back to business, haha.
Perhaps you could show me some stuff of yours? Writing on LJ sounds interesting, but I'm curious how it works because of the "flow", since there is quiet a huge time gap. Does not mean this will push me away.... ah but right now I've got an idea. I'll ask a very good friend of mine... maybe... hmmm. Let's see. :>

*runs away leaving a cliffhanger behind* X)


yaoi_queen February 19 2010, 12:25:08 UTC
Forgive me, but... what are DIN A4 pages? ^^; But 25 pages of rp is a lot! :D I hope she agrees to let you show me some examples. I'm looking forward to it.

Oh man, really? That's probably how it is in most countries. Over here in America, we're quite divided on how feel about people from other states. Most of us dislike people from southern states, because they're backwards in their thinking and are usually bigoted. Texas is one of the worst. >< We call them hicks. I live in the far west side, California, and we're mostly labeled as surfing homosexual loving liberals. XD Which I don't mind, quite frankly. My state has an almost equal number of liberals and conservatives. We need more liberals right now, though, since the gay marriage ballot will be re-opened this year and we need more people to support legalizing it.

So I guess the Prussian way of living is still alive in Germany today, huh? From what I heard in a documentary on the fall of he Berlin wall, the east side was a place hardly any German wanted to live because of their strict way of living, while the west side represented freedom and safety. It saddens me a bit to see the Germans disagreeing with one another to this day. I mean, it's such a peaceful nation right now and I really admire you guys for that. It's probably a much better place to live than America right now. >.>

As for the play you recommended... has it been translated into English? ^^; I doubt I'd understand it if it's only in German.

Oh, absolutely! ^^ I wish I could show you all the fun rps I've had with various different nations, but they were all done in a community dedicated to America/Alfred called hamburger_st. Spam Friday is the BEST!!!! So many nation rpers come by on that day and rp up a storm. It's so fun! If you ever wanna rp with fun loving people, tghat's the place to be. ;D I'm usually always present with my Italy rp account. In fact, I'll be there later today whenever the mods decide to post for Spam Friday. ^_^

Anyway, anway, here is a small example of how I rp with a good friend of mine who's Alfred:

That also leads you to my Italy rp account, so you may add me there, if you wish. :) As a small note: the words within the brackets is us rping. The words outside was just our out-of-character selves discussing my fic. You may also read that if you wish. It has a hint of Prussia in it, though the main focus is Germany/Italy. I'm sorry to say that the Prussia in my fic is a really nice guy. XD;; At least he's that way with Ludwig and Feli because in my headcanon, he has a soft spot for those two.

There is a more intense rp that me and the rper from the above link are doing right now, but it's in one of her locked posts. :/ If you ever wanna read it, I can simply copy/paste. It's still in it's infancy, though, so not much has happened yet. You'll also get a feeling for how the flow goes when rping in LJ. It's less strenuous, like I said earlier. You don't have to worry about responding right away. Do so when you have free time. :) There are no time constraints here.

Oooohhhh, cliffhangers! Don't leave me hangin'! ;) Let me in on what you discussed with your friend~ *peeks over your shoulder to listen in*


seiichirou_uta February 21 2010, 00:06:13 UTC
DIN A 4 = 210 × 297mm. btw, there are not 25 pages Oo Counting is hard when I'm not using my brain. There are "only" 13-14 pages.
Yeah, she did agree<3 I'll send you a link for dl via private message.

"...and we're mostly labeled as surfing homosexual loving liberals" <- I love you! XD Currently the gouverning parties of Germany are led by a woman (our Bundeskanzlerin Merkel from the CDU) and a homosexual guy (our foreign minister Westerwell from the FDP). I don't like the way they act, but oh well, I did not vote for them.
Ah, that stuff about Prussians and Bavarians is mostly funny. Don't take that too seriously. More serious are the problems between the east and the west. Even though Merkel is from the former GDR, her party still does not care enough for the people in the east. They still get far less wages than the western Germans, many of the cities still are in a bad shape, more and more NeoNazis can be seen running around. It makes me sick and sad at the same time. Have you read the dounjin "Hanshin kaiteiban"? If not, do so, I really recommend it. Near the end, the way Gilbert and Lutz fight... that's just the way it is in reality. It kind of hurt when I read it. It reminded me of the many people who wish, the wall was still standing.

Ah! I asked my best friend google and there is an English version of the book, but at it costs more than $90 O___o And I can't find it online. Hm, sad thing, I'm sorry. :(

Ok, now I should be able to do that. Just talking is manageable to me. XD Nice fic, btw, but I'll have to teach you a little bit of German grammar, I guess! D: Haha, don't worry! I think it's cool when others write in foreign languages! But maybe, if you want, I'll help you a little now and then. Just ask me and I'll tell you the right way to say it.
So... hmmm.... I should create a second account I guess. You really got me curious, if I can play Gilbert! XD

The cliffhanger will last a little bit longer... my friend hasn't been online since my last post >_<.


yaoi_queen February 21 2010, 10:49:19 UTC
...oh... I've never seen anyone use that method of describing paper. XD;

Thank you! <3 I enjoyed what you guys have so far. Interesting premise for a story. So it's a haunted restaurant they encountered? And they have to deliver a briefcase and envelope to someone? And may I ask where they're headed? ^^ I'm quite interested in the plot.

*gasp* A woman AND a homosexual? O_O Damn, that's... almost unheard of over here. Seriously, wow. I mean, a woman I can see happening since they do get high positions in government over here and I wish said women had brains. >.> But a gay man... wow. The closest we had to that was the mayor of San Fransisco who no one knew was gay till he "came out" openly to the public. Bold move and I respect him for it, but there are way too many ignorant morons out here and they didn't let him serve another year. :/ I did kinda feel sorry for his wife, though. He married her to keep up appearances. Ya know... maybe she knew. Well, whatever. That was years ago.

...NeoNazis... -_- I'm so sorry. I had no idea. I guess we're all ignorantly blind over here to what's still going on over there. For most Germans to wish the wall was still up... *sighs heavily* I can only imagine what you guys have to witness everyday. I am sincerely sorry, from the bottom of my heart. Sadly, we have Nazi followers over here, too. -_- They sport the swastika as tattoos and flags and, basically, go on killing sprees. They kill anyone who's not white. I just... don't get it. It sickens me to no end. I just don't understand how these people think that what they're doing is right, or even helping in any way. I've seen programs on certain channels about them and I always end up changing the channel soon after they start. Hate is like a killer disease that spreads like wild fire.

Anyway, I'm sorry about that rant. I get touchy when it comes to serious matters like that. A friend of mine vacationed in Germany a year or so ago. She wore her Ludwig cosplay outfit on a few occasions. Big mistake. Most of the Germans she passed by sneered at her. I know how much most Germans hate to be reminded of or called Nazis and for good reason. Even a uniform that resembles Hitler's army is enough to anger them. My friend had no idea why she was getting dirty looks till someone told her. She felt awful.

Again, I am terribly sorry for any and all misfortunes your people are facing over there. You all deserve happiness.

*clears throat* Right, I'll get back to answering your comment now. =P

Urk... *looks away, embarrassed* Yeah... I have come to the painful conclusion that online translating sites SUCK!!! >< Seriously, for that fic, I used three different ones, including Google. And they ALL failed me miserably! When I posted it to a Gertalia community, a few Germans corrected almost everything in the fic that was German. ^^;; I was so embarrassed. Those sites even failed in giving me proper Italian. ><
So, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for offering to help me!!! <3333 Seriously, that means a lot to me. I plan on continuing that fic at some point and I want to include more German. I want to also have Prussia speak it, too, especially when he and Ludwig converse. Oh and I'd like your honest opinion about the fic! Just lay it on me. It would mean so much coming from you, considering it touches base on sensitive subjects. The Germans who did get a chance to read it seemed to enjoy it, but sometimes I feel like there could have been more or less of a certain something. Is there anything that should be added, omitted, changed, etc? Seriously, your feedback would mean a lot to me! *puppy eyes*

You don't have to create a separate account if you don't want to. ;) The friend in the rp I linked you to didn't for her America. She just uses the only LJ account she's ever had. ^^ All you need to so is find Prussia icons with different emotions. Whatever emotions would be most dominant with him will be the ones you wanna look for. The Hetalia community is the best place to find a TON of icons. ^^ If you're serious about this, I really look forward to rping with you! :D I'm sure you'll be a fantastic Gilbert. You're already an excellent England. ^_~

Ah darn! It's okay, there's no rush. ^^ Take your time.


seiichirou_uta February 21 2010, 19:19:47 UTC
Hehe, over here its common, because DIN= Deutsche Industrie Norm (German norm for industries) ;)

Thank you, actually I was quiet surprised myself when I read it. They are heading towards a military base or something like that to deliver that briefcase - government stuff, blabla. A collaboration between those two countries. The only reason why ghrelin made this one up was so they were forced to go back to that place. Yes, the story so far was her idea- and it seems like the rest of it will be, too. I really suck at making up stories. x_x I've been thinking for over a week now how the rp could go on (we're stuck) but my brain is just like "Aaaah, nice wobbly gray cells *3* *nudgenudge*"
I feel sort of bad for ghrelin >_<.

Haha, yeah. Someone should have told Hitler back then what would become of his beloved master race - maybe he would have killed himself a little earlier and we would have less problems today. And I've heard that story about that outcoming. There were comments to be read like: "Where's the problem? O_o Does that make him a bad politician?" But well, maybe that's because Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden, England and so on are not far away. They are very open-minded when it comes to things like that. And of course our history. btw, I liked that sentence "Hate is like a killer disease that spreads like wild fire." very much. It hit the nail square on the head. But... hm, it's hard to say it aloud, but I can understand a little bit, why so many people are angry. Especially the Turkish people living in our country make it hard for us sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I've got a lot of Turkish friends, and by far not all of them are like those who just don't seem like they want to integrate. There are terrifying many who share the opinion: "Why should I learn any German at all, why work? I don't need to. I've got the Turkish community in my city, so who cares?" I don't know any other people from other nationalities who think like that. Spanish, French, American, Russian, African... no matter what. They're all "Learn the language of the country you're living in, accept the rules, especially the national laws." Just a few days ago a young guy was nearly beaten to death in Hamburg, just because he asked two Turkish guys, to turn off the music on their cellphones while they sat in a subway. Turkey tries so hard to get accepted by the European countries, but the way their own countrymen act it's still a long long way to go.
So, in the end there is no difference to me if they are NeoNazis, Turkish or whatever... no one must ever seclude, beat up or even kill another person, just because he or she looks or acts different. One of the quotations, that show the way I'm thinking and acting is from Immanuel Kant (I don't know the exact English phrase, I just translate it from German): "The very own freedom ends, where ever the freedom of another person begins."

Ah, don't worry about ranting. I'm just the same. And I think it's ok, one should never just listen and then accept quietly. The world needs people who say what they are thinking.
And for the uniform: That's no wonder. Erm, everything that deals with Nazi stuff is forbidden in Germany. It's only allowed if it's shown at a museum or in disabusing articles/films about that time. I would never dare to make a aph cosplay of those costumes in Germany. O_o And then... we've had enough of it. It sucks coming to another country, everyone is nice and stuff and once you tell them you're German, you suddenly get to hear things like "Heil Hitler!". I mean, wtf? We blister ourselves hard enough for something our grand grandfathers did. Hah, one of mine left the party as soon as he found out, what was going on. While the war was raging, he even gave food to (he was able to, for he was a farmer) and hid Jewish. But the Gestapo was omnipresent. He was the first one from his village to be sent to Russia. The other wanted to quit, too, but he wasn't allowed to, because he was a teacher. So you see... most of the German people knew what the Nazis were doing and surprisingly many acted against it as far as it was possible for them.

Ahem, sorry, too. ^^; Since this is a topic I'm highly interested in, I could go on about it for hours.

Too many characters...this continues in the next post


seiichirou_uta February 21 2010, 19:20:09 UTC
... on it goes XD

So now, back to more fun stuff! Since this is what Hetalia is about, isn't it?
Haha, you're welcome! Of course I'll help. I'm glad, too, if someone tells me, if I made a mistake. My English is alright, but far from perfect. I don't know if you're interested in that, but in my headcanon Prussia speaks Berlin dialect. Berlin had been the capital city of Prussia for a very long time and the whole way the nation-tan acts resembles the typical Berlin guy. So if you want to, I could give you needed translation either in High German or in Berlin dialect. You'll get to read it every now and then in my comments as herrbeilschmidt.

I just read you fic for second time. It was rather strange, since Lucifer Lucious Vioulenoue's interpretation of "Lilie Marleen" was playing on winamp. ( It fit the story so perfectly, since her version is very very gloomy. Yes, I like the way you write and even if I'm not that much into GermanyxItaly in current times (we have hardly anything to do with Italy anymore) it is canon in the manga, so why not? It was a little bit strange for me to think that Germany hid those things, for you get to hear and read about it over here so often that I can hardly imagine him hiding it. He would be confronted with it even in everyday life anyways. But I like how he is still afraid of accepting it, not being able to digest it. I'm curious how the story will go on. Since I will never write fanfics I could tell you the little bit I know about how the German people lived in times of WWII. My grandmother and my grand grandfather told me some very interesting things they each experienced, even though they all take place at the countryside. Being in the city was something entirely different back then, for the cities were the main target for the attacks from the allies.

Soooo~ long post is freaking long. XD btw, I've made the icons for my account myself, so I don't have to search around for hours. Haha, and thanks for the praises. We'll see how I'll get on. *g*


yaoi_queen February 22 2010, 03:19:11 UTC
Aaahhh! Okay, that's why. XD That's interesting. I love learning new things. ^_^

Wow, thanks for having this serious conversation with me. I never feel like I can ever be truly honest when talking openly to other people about how I feel regarding the world. People usually either wanna change the subject or stop talking to me at all. :/ So thank you SO much for not running away. <3 The fact that we share similar views and are able to discuss this freely is very liberating.

Ah, so Turkish people are also giving Germans issues? Would you call them "extremists" or just stubborn? They sound downright hostile. Yeah... over here in America, we don't get adequate education about the world, much less our own country. We have such HORRIBLE school systems. In most public high schools, the only other languages we can choose to learn are Spanish and French. Passing Spanish over here in California is a requirement, considering we're right above the border. Mexicans are becoming the dominant people over here and the drug wars are pretty bad.

*heavy sigh* Man, I'm so sorry you have to deal with that crap when you visit other countries. When people act like that, it sure as hell doesn't help with foreign relations. Germans deserve respect and you guys really don't need to be reminded and scrutinized for a past that your generation is not responsible for. And, yes, I remember when WWII: in HD came was aired on the History Channel, they mentioned all the Germans who hated what was going on and most left the country before things got worse, including Einstein, who was pretty lucky to be in the US during the start of the war. They were able to find a few Germans who are still alive today to interview for the program. It was quite insightful and my heart poured to them. They all hated Hitler and what he made them do. They all ended up crying every so often during the interviews. -_- Man, what a time to be born in.

I have a lot of respect for your grandparents. They sounded like great people with hearts of gold.

Okay, I'll continue my comment in another reply since, like yours, I'm sure I'm closing in on the character limit. XD


yaoi_queen February 22 2010, 04:04:08 UTC
Let me just say that the quote you gave me was quite profound. "The very own freedom ends, where ever the freedom of another person begins." It's unfortunately true. No one should be born with without freedom and no one should try to take that away. But... human beings are prideful, greedy, and selfish creatures. Those of us who actually care about our world are usually unheard, overshadowed by those in charge who only want to dominate and make money. All we can do is hope for a bright future. My country is already having a really, really hard time with terrorism and the war in Afghanistan. I'm sick of it and I want it all to end. I'm one of those people who aren't afraid to sound cliche when saying I want world peace, or at least international understanding/respect.

*gets off soap box* XD

Anyway, happy Hetalia conversation will now commence. ^_^

Oh, oh, oh, yes! A different dialect would be superb! I'm unfamiliar with the different dialects in your country, so I'm excited about learning about them. :D And... *head hits desk HARD* I am SO sorry for not knowing your Prussia rp account! ^^;;;;; Before you told me about it, I wondered who that random Prussia rper was. XD; I was like, "Yay, another Prussia! I thought it was a person from one of the hetalia communities who found me via one of my rps. Btw, I don't know WHAT you were worried about in regards to being Prussia. You're perfect so far! ;D You have his ego down, his nice disposition towards certain nations, and his overall loud personality. We are going to have fun~! :3

You mean "Lilie Marleen" fit my fic's story? If so, I'm interested in reading up about it. Hah, yeah I've heard from numerous Germans how the Gertalia pairing has no bearing on current relations. XD But the series began during WWI and WWII, at which time relations between the two nations were strong, till the Italian army broke that, of course. With the way things are going in the series, Hidekaz seems to be veering away from the wars and is just focusing on general world relations and stereotypes. ^^ The dynamic of Germany and Italy's relationship really has nothing to do with real life events, but more to do with the mystery of HRE and Chibitalia's bittersweet love. It's to keep people guessing about what happened to HRE. I'm a huge supporter of HRE=Germany, though the events leading to it are vague and confusing. Gertalia is my main OTP right alongside USUK/UKUS.

Germany kept/hid those items as a sort of personal punishment. He felt unbearably responsible for allowing Hitler to do what he did, even though it's apparent that personified nations don't have much say in the way things are run in their own countries. It's not that he kept that box hidden. I mean, it's under his bed, so if anyone found themselves on the floor of Ludwig's room, they'd easily spot it. He kept it under his bed because it's a more personal space and the box is close enough to his physical body so that it can rightly be called a "physical" reminder. Ludwig loves his people very much, so he felt that if he continued to bear the weight of what happened all those years ago, he was thereby lifting the burdens from his beloved citizens. Kinda like a selfless act of self-deprivation or mental mutilation in order to help his people. Which in retrospect is very depressing to think about. Ludwig is my favorite Hetalia character, so I try giving him a huge dynamic personality and back-story.

Oh and thanks for offering to tell me stories of what your grandparents experienced! <3 I have a request for you: may I use your grandparents in my fic when Ludwig remembers speaking to his citizens back then? I wouldn't use names, of course. I'd just use them as references for first hand experiences. It would be an honor to include such wonderful people in my story. <3

Yeah, long reply is VERY long~ XD We're gonna have a fun time rping, don't you worry. ;D


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