Mar 31, 2010 16:16
On all Anti-Twilighters and their so called "Real Life" stories on fangirls and their ridiculous obsessions.
Yeah, okay, I'll admit I like Twilight, and if you call me stupid I'll shove the damn thing in your face, but only because you called me stupid for my opnion o.O;; Not because of the book. Now, with that out of the way, let me just say that I stumbled upon a ProBoards forum completely dedicated to archving various felonies and otherwise unpleasant actions toward seemingly "innocent" people.
Fine, I'll give you that some stuff on the news I'll believe. Because, yeah, Twilight is a fad. And a big one. Remember the old Harry Potter book burnings? Those are probably still going on, too. So it's not like I'm saying that all of this stuff is a complete pile of steaming shit. However, either Antis are taking it WAY too far and pulling stories out of their ass to satisfy their irrational need to hate Twilight and be "cool", or I'm sheltered.
And I'm not sheltered.
Gods, guys, grow up.