Mon, 01:01: Watching some classic Ren and Stimpy. Good times, good times.
Mon, 05:05: RT @ BulbaNewsNOW: The first episode of TR's radio show is out! Bulbapedia will have a full English transcript later in the week. http:// ...
Mon, 05:05: ... I still can't believe how serial Team Rocket is now... 0_o
Mon, 05:13: So... the seiyuu of Pikachu is in the first episode of Team Rocket's radio show. But she does the Pikachu voice.
Mon, 05:13: Um... is... is this canon? Non-canon? Are they just thinking it's the voice actress instead of Pikachu? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?!? @ _@
Mon, 05:15: A transcript really will help in understanding this. I await it very much so @ BulbaNewsNOW