Sun, 16:02: So Naruto is ending soon? Ive heard this rumor for a LONG TIME, but this is the first time I heard this from the horse's mouth.
Sun, 16:04: I want to say its about effin time, but considering one piece is going along slowly... Yeah, I can't say jack.
Sun, 20:15: Dear bus patrons: For the last time, I don't have change. I just have a debit card.
Sun, 20:17: Quit bugging me about your third world problems of needing change for a transfer or to pay for your ticket. You should have that already.
Sun, 20:18: Seriously, if most Americans are this needy, no wonder were in such a debt hole -.-
Sun, 20:19: I swear,whenever I get a car again, I'm going to be less likely to help out a random stranger with change if I keep getting bugged like this
Sun, 20:20: And the sad part is I never mind it when I DID have a car and when I started using the bus again. [/end rant]
Sun, 20:22: I should note that I don't mind helping people out if I can. But when you get one person a day asking you about it, it can drive you bats.
Sun, 20:22: OK NOW Im done. Anyway, how are you all!? ^ ^
Sun, 22:57: Dear @ WaxTom, Hurry and get out of Chicago before you bump into Doug Walker. <3, Seif