Big Year 2017

Feb 14, 2017 19:29

(man I miss having a whole bunch of icons. ah well, c'est la vie)

laridian has been doing this for years. I keep trying to remember to do it, but for various reasons, keep forgetting.


I'm not going to break it down by trips or parks, since I really don't do as many birdwatching trips as Laridian does, so I'm just going to keep one big list and see how far I get.

Having said that? My trip to the Gulf Coast, with my parents, netted an impressive 61 different bird species!

1. Black Vulture
2. Turkey Vulture
3. American Kestrel
4. Red-Tailed Hawk
5. Marsh Hawk
6. Eastern Meadowlark
7. Loggerhead Shrike
8. Black and White Warbler
9. Yellow-rumped Warbler
10. Ruby-crowned Kinglet
11. Great White Egret
12. Great Blue Heron
13. Tricolored Heron
14. Redhead
15. Pintail
16. Northern Shoveler
17. Northern Mockingbird
18. American Coot
19. Royal Tern
20. Herring Gull
21. Curlew
22. White Pelican
23. Brown Pelican
24. Northern Cardinal
25. Pyrruhloxia (this is one for the lifer list!)
26. Whooping Crane
27. Sandhill Crane
28. Red-winged Blackbird
29. Belted Kingfisher
30. Blue-winged Teal
31, Anhinga
32. Double-crested Cormorant
33. Snowy Egret
34. Little Blue Heron
35. Osprey
36. Laughing Gull
37. Bonaparte's Gull
38. Ring-billed Gull
39. Willet
40. Sanderling
41. Ruddy Turnstone
42. Common Tern
43. Forster's Tern
44. Great-tailed Grackle
45. American Avocet
46. Common Loon
47. Western Kingbird
48. Tufted Titmouse
49. Semipalmated Sandpiper
50. Mourning Dove
51. White-winged Dove
52. Pied-billed Grebe
53. Roseate Spoonbill
54. American Robin
55. Glossy Ibis
56. Black-bellied Whistling Duck
57. Cooper's Hawk
58. Blue Jay
59. Downy Woodpecker
60. Red-shouldered Hawk
61. Red-bellied Woodpecker
62. Common Crow
63. Carolina Wren
64. Eastern Phoebe
65. Common Grackle
66. Starling (I hate putting this guy on the list, but I suppose they count...)
67. House Finch
68. House Sparrow
69. Crested Caracara (almost forgot this guy!)

I feel like I'm missing some and I hope I didn't double up (I don't think I did), but dang, that's a pretty good count, for February!
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