A Couple Combined Essays

May 05, 2009 21:56

O, the dead-still seriousness! That spoil of the unholy Roman church!
No doubt you've been in doubt as to what the exact spoil of Vatican is. No doubt there was some bumbling in the past.
First, what is "unholy". Quite simply, that means "un-whole", missing parts. The effect of unholiness, in the words of a poet: "fragments of fragments" (The Who, "Endless Wire").

And, the West exaggerates and perverts the measures of anything, so as the Russian saying went, "the devil's not as scary as he's painted".
That is the original curse of humanity - division. In the Christian (really Tengrian, Turk - unrelated to current Seljuk Turkey) tradition the myth of Original Sin refers to this as the division of everything into "good" and "bad". It is very important that the real effect of this is stopping the flow of one's life due to removal of perception. The splitting divides real, living meaning into static shards, with less and less remainders of anything with each new division.
The soul sickness later called "schisophrenia".
The Orthodox church split up from the Roman Catholic over a number of unholy crimes; perversion of the myth of Original Sin was one of them. The real myth refers to a historic event, including the exodus of the Kipchak - the ancestor people - from Altai, the Eden.
Vatican threw in all the suppressive drivel about humans being born with some Sin in them, and Christ the scapegoat for humanity.
The other unholy crime of the Vatican is the split with Apostle St. John's concept of God (and therefore the world) being understandable through divination (love, intuition, perception...). Vatican declared reason to be enough for the understanding of the world, eventually placing secondary, derivative, superficial cliche matching above divine.
Another major crime was the declaration of the Roman pope the sole interpreter of God's will on Earth, "the duke for the King of heaven", papal doctrines forced as "law". This has imposed the corruption of interpretation and mental violence; the result of it all was the suppression of real, divine insight and imposition of a fake construct (brilliantly portrayed by Philip K. Dick as an artificial owl in Bladerunner). And the result was corruption by Original Sin under the guise of "reason".
Spoil of the old, after all, remains there when it's not tended to. And that is how corruption works - by passing one for another.
All of that corruption, after all, is still there, especially as it's been ignored for centuries.
Suppressed into the unconscious, it becomes a "thief" - hijacks and forces acting.
The spoil, therefore, is being passed generation to generation, in the culture, through acting, conflicts. And that, ironically, is the very curse that can hang near everyone. The best hiding spot is in plain sight! Society, after all, is not an enemy - just a vessel for corruption. Possible corruption, but still...
Finally, the declaration of Christ a "lord" and "saviour". Neither is real: Christ is, technically, the Healer. An incorrect (perhaps intentionally incorrect) translation of a greek term meaning "healing" and the title of "healer". Thus people were manipulated throughout centuries by interpretation of the churches into behaving like sheep unless they dared not be "saved". In reality, the notion is "healing of the soul" - from the soul sickness, schisophrenia, not some "salvation" of the soul

What is "reason"?

As it's been written, one of the great crimes of the Vatican that has caused a split with the Orthodox church was going against a principle described by apostle St. John: God (and this means God as a whole, as the whole being, not just some person with a long white beard who sits up there and listens to complaints) cannot be understood fully through reason alone. Only through what apostle St. John called "love" (and this means essential love - fostering, intuition, perception, that which comes from the soul, that which is the spirit, compassion, not any cliche). Through creation and reflexion, harmony ("truthfulness to the beauty", in Chinese comments).

The crime was imposition of "reason" as the primary tool for comprehension of the world (originally it wasn't, but after the farce called "Renaissance" and "Enlightenment" that was forced in).

So what is "reason"?

What is commonly called "reason" corresponds to sensing-judging (SJ) cognition patterns in Jungian psychology, that is, initial, hasty probing of whatever is. That which is called "the mind". More specifically, in a common sense, "reason" refers to common judgmental patterns which are also passed socially.

The problem about "reason" is that it always refers to that which is, but never to that which is being created. It's just a simple imager. It's not intuitive, it's not insightful. It can be manifested in cleverness, but never in compassion or insight (these relate to feeling, intuition, perception, introversion). What's "reasonable" often is just a clay shape of that which had been. And it can never tell of that which will be, or that which might be.

In Jungian psychology, there's a four-essence system for describing individuality. The four "preferences" are: introversion/extroversion, intuition/sensing, feeling/thinking, perception/judgment.

Introversion is the function of relating one's own being to the world. All knowledge, all notions one way or another come from introversion. Introversion is the function of being inside - the real being. There's no life being outside one's own life.
Extroversion is the function of relating to others and the material world.

Intuition relates to that which might, and will be. It is, quite simply, the ability of noticing the development of being.
Sensing is its flip side - noticing what there is in the now. Ironically, intuition or sensing can be quite the conflict-maker, especially from the more common sensing types who insist on what there is but fail to notice where it leads.

Feeling is the immediate insight to what's out there.
Thinking is the slower, pondering cognition, matching the encountered against known patterns. What's commonly called "logic", though "logic" is more of a compound (NT - intuitive thinking).

Perception is a slower, more detailed function examining as well as reflecting what's there (here/inside).
Judgment is a quick match against known patterns. Judgment is not as detailed or certain as perception and is easier to fool.

Now, the important part is that this is a holy system - no single "preference" can exist on its own, and every individual only leans towards a certain side of each. Say, INFP - introverted intuitive feeling perceiving. Nonsense like someone being "only" an extrovert or introvert is unholy. An introvert has an extroverted side as well (perhaps less developed, and "passive"). That doesn't mean much - an introvert can even deal with other people at a deeper level they themselves aren't aware of.

The problem with the West in general is, well, unholiness. Centuries of binding by reason have crafted a madness where notions are detached, fragmented, separated from the whole of being. Introversion, intuition, perception help overcome that.

Real reason is, after all, a servant. Mind is the servant of the soul, an auxiliary of wisdom/insight. The Western perversion is enslavement by the mind. Suppression by the mind. Binding by the mind. Madness by injecting external cliches of behaviour as they're "reasonable". And, of course, exaggeration of any single notion as others aren't "reasonable" enough to understand anything (when in reality they're just preserving their holiness in many cases).


Why did the Vatican plan to impose "reason" on everyone? Simple - dictatorship of the crowd. "Reason" is an inferior function to the NF/NT groups (yes, NT - logicians - often scientists, engineers, architects, and so on, are anything but "reasonable", to them SJ/SP are an external auxiliary function), but is primary to the commoner SJ/SP (though the SP have an affinity with direct action on perception, rather than conservative/judgmental SJ). Hence much of the suffering and suppression of the creative, of the becoming, by the standstill/decay of the crowd. Which has managed to manifest itself fully in communism (a German construct/import, BTW).

In all fairness, it was not the Vatican who persecuted mages, wizards, witches and forced the worst possible blow on those who may ("mage" is a perverted form of the Old English "maeg" [maedz] - which is also Old English for "may", "might") by forbidding their very ways of being. The rulers of Europe saw the opportunity to remove all who might challenge them by simple might, by simple divine authority, from power. And so it went with everything else: the Bible could only be interpreted (see another Schism crime of the Vatican), Christ was suddenly a "saviour" and "lord" who has already made himself a scapegoat for all simple folk, and so on. Complete with the silly mockery of carrot-on-a-stick of heaven for "behaving good".

In reality, many become atheists or pagan or convert to other faiths not because of Christianity, but because of an interpretation of Christianity which is the spoil of European culture begging to be resolved.

And anyway, what's the meaning of the Latin word "religion"? Simple - "re-link". In Rome, religion was a tool for re-linking with God. But why un-link in the first place? Of course, dictatorship of the society, of the superficial, of what's called "persona" in Latin (a mask, role, functional convenience in the society). Hence: no personality with an individuality - does not unlink from God (and the world - as God isn't just some old fellow up there, but the whole of being as such). And does not cause madness.

philosophy, essays, psychology

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