36 Challenge Icons

Dec 14, 2010 21:53

I'm moving! From now on, my icons can be found at zauberkuenstler, a new created comm where 12 other awesome people will post their icons too. Come and watch!
I'm still posting the links here though, but anyway, you should have a look at the comm. :)

[001-022] Ianto Jones/Captain Jack Harkness for janto_stills
[023-026] David Tennant for hefamous_stills
[027-036] Whedonverse for whedonland


( + 33 more ) at zauberkuenstler

[tv] firefly, [actress] charisma carpenter, [tv] torchwood, !icons, [tv] doctor who, .comm: hefamous_stills, !pimping, [actor] david tenannt, [tv] dollhouse, [tv] btvs, [tv] angel, .comm: janto_stills, .comm: whedonland

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