Title: Destiny
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Characters: Spike
Word Count: 123
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Being the property of their respective copyright holders, Buffy, its characters or any other publicly recognisable names don’t belong to me in any way, shape or form. No copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: Written for These Are a Few at
whedonland. 22/09/10.
My thanks to
sucksucksmile for being my awesome beta.
Summary: Set during Halloween. Spike's watching the Slayer
The Slayer. There she was, fighting this dumb minion in one-sided combat. Tricky! The baby really liked to play. Blimey, that was very resourceful! Using a bloody Halloween sign as a stake! “Rewind it again.” He had already seen her fighting before. And he couldn’t get enough. Slayers. How he loved them - in such a deadly way.
One night she would be alone, helpless without her sodding friends and her, he chuckled, bloody hell of a mother. Then she would finally be his. All he had to do was wait. Time wasn’t the matter, never was and never would be. He had plenty of it since that night many lives ago when he had met his destiny.
One night he would be hers.