do i really need one??

Jul 12, 2006 16:10

maybe i do... i think it gives direction in what you type about... else you just wonder why you originaly brough up this page... there is so much to talk about, but alase... without a subject there is no way to keep your barings as you travel through your post...

but maybe you dont need to know where you are heading... only where you have been... and without the fear of straying too far form your orignial start location, you might find youself in uncharted territory... discovering something new... or going somewhere you least want to go...

but where might you ask, is that which you might not want to go?? i'd explane... but then i'd be going there... and well... i dont want to...

you konw what the worst part about soul searching is?? the possibility that there is nothing there... after searching for something you want, yet discovering that you cant find it... maybe its just that science is right... we just dont have one... or maybe it is just that we are unable to grasp what it is... so we maybe looking for one particular blade of grass in a field... when we should be looking for the entire field...

hmmm... dont know how we ended up in a field, but hey... thats what happens when you dont have a subject...

stupid subjects... why do we place so much value in icons?? why do we always need a refrence point?? we're always too caught up... we need to let ourself go... i wonder how long it will take... we'll see... i think it might end up like last time... just probably not the same reaction... funny how things change hey... but they still seem to be the same... just a different arrangement... but sometimes things do actually change... some come into existance... some leave us... the leaving seems to be the hardest... but i find it to have been the most rewarding... it teachs you... strange how when you get something, you always lose something... and when you lose something... you always get something back... funny how losing something is a gain, and gaining something is a gain... or is it that losing something is a loss and gaining somthing is a loss... what we gain and what we lose... sometimes you have control over it... but for the largest part, you do not... for if you did, you would never learn...

i'm bored... and i dont know how to make myself unbored... i'v tried alot of things... but i'm just too restless... i wish i had someway to keep me not bored... hmmm... nope nothing...

if you'v got an idea... please god help me out of this bored state!!!

might play some zelda...

bye :)
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