(no subject)

Jun 08, 2009 12:27

Seriously, I don't fucking care that I'm being selfish; I need to get this out of my system.

Don't you fucking hate it when you're trying to let go or forget something that's bothering you, but whereever you look around, you always seem to bump into that 'something'?

It gets put into conversation between people, I see it on forums on the internet.

Like seriously what the fuck people!?
It's like they're purposely tring to say "Haha, fuck you, I got the job but you didn't"

Everybody accepted is having a fucking hell of a good time preparing for their trip, meanwhile I'm fucking stuck here practically JOBLESS, somehow trying so hard not to fuck myself over for my student loan, while my interest rate has already started to accumulate.

Who knows even if I apply for the position this year, I might not even make it through to the interview stage...Yeah, that's just fucking great.

I fucking hate my life at the moment.
I'm so bitter at work, at home...the only thing I do well is sleeping it off.
I don't even want to go out, because all that's ever gonna happen is I'll bump into 'it' on a daily basis.

And don't fucking tell my I don't understant myself when YOU don't try to understand how I'm trying to manage all of this.
Seriously, fuck you.
You're one of the biggest KY's I've ever met in my life. 
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