well today at work i was taking a break from everything and relaxing a little. So i basically was looking threw all my old LJ posts. Well I basically started this thing when I first joined apo. So basically the beggining is talking about drinking, hanigng out with kim, drinking, spring break (im up to april 2003 so far) just looking at some things...funny how i could openly talk about us drinking back then...but now for some reason its looked down upon??
heh...more on reading through...noticed I use to talk to bryan a lot more then i do now!! course being away from syracuse basically since 99 does that. Just read a post where bryan and kevin were getting in an argument in my comments box...haha
http://www.livejournal.com/users/seibz/14453.html well i just finished with 2003 and i think ill take a break from reading my past. The end was kinda boring since i was basically posting in another blg which is down now : \ reading the entire thing was kinda interesting...realized what I dick i can be at times with my posts about people asking me questions at work...though funny!! had good and bad times with many of people, then just got stressed out with school work...a lot of my time was basically spent hanging out with close friends or playing counter-strike. kinda realized some things that are missing in my life, but not much I can do about that, just kinda hope for good things for the future. ohh and alos the entertainment of apo...yes have had some good times in it, and some anoying times...no real bad times...