(no subject)

Oct 27, 2006 18:13

Characters: Atobe Keigo and Oshitari Yuushi
When: Today
Rating: Hmm...PG? lower? There's nothing really there to make it rated
Warnings: Lot's of ego-ness~
Summary: Atobe and Oshitari have a chat about Atobe's ego, Jirou, the use of 'Ore-sama', being girls and possible parents problems and plots

romantictensai: Buchou.
at0b3 k3igo Yes, Oshitari~?
at0b3 k3igo What makes you call upon Ore-sama's amazing presence?
romantictensai You know Atobe...
romantictensai You should stop using Ore.
romantictensai Aren't you a girl now?
at0b3 k3igo Hmm, probably, but I'm too stressed with Jirou to think of something right now
romantictensai Hm?
romantictensai Jiroh?
romantictensai How can you be stressed with someone's who sleeps all the time?
at0b3 k3igo Because when h-she isn't asleep she's clinging on me complaining about pains *rolls eyes*
romantictensai Pains. Haha.
romantictensai I pity that you have to deal with that.
at0b3 k3igo Hmm, and she's craving of all things...oysters
romantictensai: Oysters... Where the hell will you find oysters?
at0b3 k3igo My butler found some, no idea where from but that doesn't matter - he can find anything. I just find it weird Jirou would crave something so...slimy
romantictensai *shrugs* I don't like oysters either
romantictensai They don't suit my taste.
at0b3 k3igo Hmm, I don't even think Jirou does normally, strange. I don't care as long as everyone in the camp doesn't start craving them, they're not that easy to get hold of after all~
romantictensai I'm beginning to hate this camp.
at0b3 k3igo You're not the only one *sighs* I wonder if there's any way to blackmail that Inui into working harder or something~
at0b3 k3igo Then again, I doubt that would be the right way to go hmm~ Maybe I could just pay her or something
romantictensai Hmmm...
romantictensai Blackmail.
romantictensai I don't think Seigaku's data guy is into money
romantictensai I say we do something to make him change back to our normal selves
at0b3 k3igo *smirks* Sounds intriguing ne? ah yes....that could be true
romantictensai Cos right now, I don't like the idea of looking like my sister
at0b3 k3igo Oh...any ideas? I'm always willing to listen to anything to help get Inui to work harder after all~
romantictensai Hmmm...
romantictensai That Inui...
romantictensai He keeps a data notebook right?
at0b3 k3igo Yes~
romantictensai I suggest we steal it
romantictensai And maybe we can find something interesting in it
at0b3 k3igo Hmm, interesting idea, we'll need to think of how...maybe some kind of distraction~?
romantictensai Hmmm... I don't know much about him
at0b3 k3igo Perhaps we gather some data of our own first? *smirks*
romantictensai I have no time to do that
at0b3 k3igo Hmm, I'll get some help if I can...
romantictensai Like you would...
romantictensai I'm sorry Atobe... But you're not the type who does dirty work
at0b3 k3igo Well I won't be the one doing it now would I? *rolls eyes* I pay people, I don't do this kind of thing personally~
romantictensai And are you sure that the people you're paying will do a good job?
at0b3 k3igo *smirks* I chose carefully Oshitari~ I'm not about to go and get my perfect reputation spoiled now am I?
at0b3 k3igo *smirks even more*
romantictensai I like the way you think Atobe.
romantictensai Okay. I'll trust your choice
at0b3 k3igo Of course you do~ Everyone is in awe of how I think and how I am, there is no need to explain to me *winks* Now I'll just have to look over my contacts, there should be a couple of people who could help~
romantictensai Unlike the others, I am not in awe with you.
romantictensai You are my captain and I respect you
romantictensai But I am not in awe.
at0b3 k3igo Hmm, I think that's just denial Oshitari~ Everyone is in awe of me, though I must admit, not saying the Ore-sama is highly annoying right now, I need a new name~
romantictensai I am not in denial Atobe. Oh please.
romantictensai I suggest you stop using "Ore-sama"
at0b3 k3igo You are in denial, just admit it already, and I am going to, I just need to think of something else in the meantime~
romantictensai There's no use convincing you, Atobe.
at0b3 k3igo Of course, as I know the truth already
romantictensai I'll let you think what you want
at0b3 k3igo Of course you will, as whatever I think is what is the truth
romantictensai . . .
at0b3 k3igo Of course you are speechless, you are in my presence, however I must insist you do try and say something Oshitari~ Really, you should just realise how incredible I am already~
romantictensai Whatever. *rolls eyes*
at0b3 k3igo Hmm, well at least that's a start...
at0b3 k3igo I am well aware it must have taken a lot of effort to say that one word after all~ Now...
romantictensai Atobe..
romantictensai Can we talk about somethine else?
romantictensai Besides your ego.
at0b3 k3igo I was just about to change the subject actually, if you would have given me a chance, hence my usage of 'Now' I would've thought it would be obvious~ Also, I have no ego, I have myself that is enough after all
at0b3 k3igo What I was about to say was - Have you seen or talked to any of the others yet? I need to make sure none of them are trying to do something stupid over this situation
romantictensai I just talked to Gakuto
romantictensai And he won't do anything stupid
at0b3 k3igo Ah well that's a start, Jirou won't either, now I'll just have to find the others, unless they reply to a journal entry; I already talked to Ohtori on one and am aware that she is dealing with it, I've no idea about the others however
romantictensai I don't write in the journals...
romantictensai Do they have some worth to me?
at0b3 k3igo Hmm, depends, they are useful for announcements and letting people know how you are coping. It seems everyone wants to talk to someone as they don't understand how to deal with this new development~ It would be your own choice if you use it or not
romantictensai I'll try using it.
romantictensai *shrugs*
romantictensai I just find it so bothersome
at0b3 k3igo Hmm, well you find a lot bothersome don't you? Like admitting the truth *smirks* Maybe you're in denial of this situation as well~?
romantictensai *sighs*
romantictensai Atobe.
romantictensai Stop it.
at0b3 k3igo Fine, fine *rolls eyes* Is there anything you want to discuss then?
romantictensai I'm sorry Atobe.
romantictensai The conversation doesn't revolve around you, you know.
at0b3 k3igo What is that supposed to mean? I did just ask you what you want to discuss didn't I?
romantictensai Okay, okay
romantictensai Our situation.
romantictensai What are we going to do with this?
at0b3 k3igo ...Which situation are we discussing?
romantictensai Um...
romantictensai WE as girls.
romantictensai How will we explain this to Kantoku?
at0b3 k3igo Hmm, I think it will be pretty obvious it wasn't our fault when he realises the whole camp has been transformed into girls really...
romantictensai Okay.
romantictensai But we'll be in trouble with our parents.
at0b3 k3igo Yes...that's possible *sighs* I don't really want to deal with my father's rantings about his only son being worthless to his company after all...
romantictensai Ha. I don't think your father would be amused to have an heir who is a girl
at0b3 k3igo You don't have to remind me, I'm hoping this gets sorted out before he has a chance to find out...I don't think I can even deal with thinking about his disappiontment etc...
romantictensai That's why we have to sort this out
romantictensai God knows I don't want to enter school like this
at0b3 k3igo Hmm, school doesn't bother me as much...
at0b3 k3igo but there's not much we can do really...it's not like buying a new outfit now is it?
romantictensai I don't like the girls uniform
at0b3 k3igo ...Well *raises eyebrow* I guess that makes sense, however I think it could be dealable after a while...
romantictensai Hahaha.
romantictensai I don't think I'll look good in our girl's uniform
romantictensai My legs are long
at0b3 k3igo Or is it just that you don't want to be stared at? There are plenty of girls with long legs who wear the uniform Oshitari
romantictensai It's not my style.
at0b3 k3igo Hmm, not you're just being in denial again, I'm sure it suits you, if this doesn't get fixed you'll have no choice anyway so stop being so...tempremental about it
romantictensai I don't understand why you keep on insisting that I'm in denial.
romantictensai I am not, okay?
romantictensai I don't want to live like this
at0b3 k3igo I don't think any of us do, except maybe that guy from St Ru- whatever it is
romantictensai Who?
at0b3 k3igo Hmm, Mizuki is it? *shrugs*
romantictensai Oh, him.
romantictensai Well, I supposed he would be so pleased with this.
at0b3 k3igo Probably *sighs* I mean I can cope...until something reminds me about how my father will react...
romantictensai *shrugs*
romantictensai That guy...
romantictensai He has to pay...
at0b3 k3igo *nods* Deffinately...we need to plot, get the team together and plot...
romantictensai I'll try looking for Ohtori and Shishido and talk to them about this
at0b3 k3igo Yes, I think we'll need as many as we can get to get him back. *smirks*
at0b3 k3igo Shall we arrange a meeting time and place to work something out?
romantictensai We should.
romantictensai You decide and tell me the details.
at0b3 k3igo Okay, I'll post it up on livejournal so keep a look out for it
at0b3 k3igo But I'll only say it's to do with training
romantictensai Sure.
romantictensai Of course.
romantictensai I'll see you later, okay?
at0b3 k3igo Yes, Bye.
romantictensai Bye

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