RP Log: Kirihara and Marui

Nov 06, 2006 01:58

Who: Kirihara Akaya, Marui Bunta
When: 6 November
Where: Akaya and Marui's room.
Summary: Two shy confessing girls. And Akaya in a dress.

Akaya sat on the floor of her room opening the brown care package that her mother sent. It was full of dresses -- pink dresses and cute skirts and other things that she wasn't going to wear ever because it was mortifying. She pouted, running her hand through her hair and wishing it was shorter.

Marui entered the room, blinking at the dresses. She leaned over and gave the younger girl a pat on the head. "What's that?"

Akaya tilted her head up to look at her senpai before pulling out another skirt from the box. "My mom sent me clothes," she said, adding mournfully, "Girly things. I'm not gonna wear them."

The redhead eyed the clothes, picking one up and holding it against Akaya. "But you'll look cute in it. Besides, no one's going to care if you wear them since you're a girl."

Akaya blushed a little -- she still wasn't used to being called cute so often. "Stop that," she said, moving away from the dress that Marui was holding up. "I'm not supposed to be a girl, and I'm not really supposed to be wearing them. And it's pink, besides."

"But you are cute. At least, I always thought you were cute, even as a guy," Marui said, following Akaya with the dress. "So wear one of the non-pink ones. I'd like to see you wear one, after you've seen me wear all my dresses the other time."

Akaya scowled a little and turned her head when she felt her cheeks heat up again. "You really want me to, senpai?" she muttered.

Marui nodded, pouting a little as she picked up a blue dress and held it up. "You've seen me in all my dresses yet I've never seen you in one. Besides, I really want to see you wear this."

Akaya gingerly took the dress from Marui. "But you looked good in them," she murmured a little to herself. Then, louder: "Fine, fine. I'll try one."

Marui blushed as she heard the muttered comment. "Oi, you really thought I looked good in them?"

Akaya blushed again. "Well. Yeah. Of course," she said, before she getting up and holding out the dress in front of her, examining it. "...I don't know how to put this on."

"Uh... I could help you?" Marui suggested shyly, though really, there wasn't anything to be shy about since she had already helped Akaya with the bra fitting.

Akaya blinked a little, then nodded. "Yes, please," she said before setting the blue dress down, turning around, and self-consciously starting to undress. It was silly to be self-conscious, of course, but...

The redhead found herself blushing as she picked up the dress and helped the younger girl into it. She then zipped it up and smoothed the skirt down, staring at Akaya's reflection in the mirror admiringly. "See? You look cute."

Akaya swallowed a little and blushed as she stared at her reflection. She looked... like a girl, and yes, maybe a little cute. Maybe. She turned to Marui. "You're not gonna take pictures, are you, senpai?"

“Of course I am. I won't show it to anyone else though. I don't want anyone else to see how cute you are," said the older girl. Wrapping her arms round the slender waist, she leaned forward and nuzzled the back of Akaya's neck lovingly. "Nn, you're really cute. Remember when I was talking about that person I like and said what if it was you? You really don't mind?"

The other girl couldn't stop herself from laughing, just a little -- the back of her neck tickled. But then she heard the words and blushed hard. "I don't mind at all," she replied lowly, hoping that Marui-senpai would understand what she was really saying.

"Then it's fine for me to like you?" Marui asked, leaning over a shoulder to look at Akaya, her eyes sparkling hopefully as her cheeks burned.

A slow nod. "Mmhm. It's fine. Of course it is." Akaya cleared her throat and fixated her eyes on a corner of the mirror frame. "...Is it fine if I like you?"

"Of course! I'd be very happy if you did," the redhead said happily, tightening her arms round the taller figure as she met Akaya's eyes in the mirror.

"Good. 'Cause I do," Akaya murmured softly, and smiled crookedly at Marui's reflection.

Marui blinked and grinned at Akaya's reflection happily, hugging the taller girl. "Aaa, I like Akaya so much!"

Akaya grinned, laughing and liking the feel of Marui's arms around her. "You're so cute, senpai."

"So're you," the redhead replied, pouting a little. Shyly, she leaned forward and planted a kiss on Akaya's cheek.

The younger girl shrugged, then felt her cheeks heat again at the kiss. She opened her mouth to say something, but all that came out was a shy, "Um."

"Hmmm?" Marui looked at Akaya curiously. "You wanted to say something?"

Nah, it's nothing." Akaya turned a little, shifted, and pressed her lips against Marui's cheek -- reciprocation of a sort.

Marui took a quick picture, and then got the dress off her kouhai. "Does this mean I can call you my girlfriend?"

Akaya pulled on her old clothes, then smiled at Marui shyly. "Yeah. Of course, if you want."

Grinning, the redhead hugged the taller girl. Shyly, she leaned up to kiss the girl on the lips and then ran off, leaving Akaya in their room alone.

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