All right, I know Armada wasn’t popular.
But this is just plain wrong. Primus. Poor guy’s been used and abused by Megatron for goodness-knows-how-long, and he comes in asking for a safe place to hide, and he gets met by flamethrowers in a place that is supposed to be No-Violence. I just don’t get it.
Perhaps this is all an attempt at humor. Personally, I’ve never found humor is such things, but whatever. I’m not going to go all out on a small group of people with certain…displeasing ideas about who should be protected and who should be punished.
Makes me wish my characters weren’t all Decepticons, or I’d send Red Alert or someone in to defend him. Meh.
And why is my dog walking around in the yard with a half-eaten chicken? We don't even have live chickens around here.