Feb 19, 2006 09:09
Something funky was going on with the internet last night. It disconnected twice and the second time I said "screw it" and went to bed.
Anyway, so I watched more of Season 3 and have concluded that Cyclonus wants to cuddle Galvatron, the Webworld people are almost as nuts as Galvatron, and Daniel needs to be put on a leash.
Also this:
[23:40] Seiberwing: I watched Starscream's Ghost today and had a pair of amusing thoughts.
[23:40] Pepper: oh?
[23:40] Seiberwing: First off, Sandstorm and Octane are the most OTP of OTPs since Snowcat and Demolisher.
[23:40] Pepper: XD Aren't they?
[23:40] Seiberwing: And it would be both hot and hilarious if right after the interrogation scene, Galvatron pins "Cyclonus" against the wall, whispers "The Autobots can wait. You know what interrogations do to me" in his audial, and proceeds to shag his CPU out right in front of Octane.
[23:41] Pepper: BWAH. XD
[23:41] Pepper: And Starscream's going "ew omg I feel so violated" and Octane's like "okay somebody shoot me now plzkthx." XD
[23:42] Seiberwing: "Can we get back to the whipping of me? I liked that torture method better."