A 'conning I shall go.

Apr 16, 2012 18:02

Yesterday was my debut performance at C2E2. The cooler panels were Friday and Saturday, but I had no work Sunday so it was Sunday that I went out for a little riddling.

It was the least attended day and these are from the morning when half the nerds are sleeping off their hangovers, but there was still a healthy crowd. I showed up right when it opened so as to get the greatest benefit and the most exposure. Coming up the escalator I was asked by a photographer if I could be called 'Quiz'--I beg your pardon, do I look like a henchgirl?

Many small things were in attendence. For example, this Jawa, which Fett was not sure what to do with.

A little Link. The children were the most amusing part of the con for me. I'd walk by and hear "Look! It's the Riddler!" in soft, gleeful voices, and a lot of them wanted pictures with me. Just makes it all worthwhile.

Obligatory Homestuck. I actually met these lovely ladies on the bus.

She gave me her card but I lost it. Apparently she made this?

Getting some shots of our men in uniform.

Security was tight but I cleverly managed to slip through and enter the main hall. With so many odd people wandering about, it was easy to blend in with the crowd.

Case in point.

Apparently the Avengers movie was actually shown the day before. No regrets on missing it, I am saving myself for the premiere proper. One of my bosom companions will be coming into town to see it with me...the boogieman to my troll, as it were. I'll be interested to see how TSA's going to handle the syringes.

Besides, there was a greater prize around the back--the Captain America charity auction. I've posted the whole lot here for anyone interested in seeing it or needing some good references for fanart.

Of course my intentions were of a different artistic slant. If they'll pay $600 to charity for Johann Schmidt's keychain I'm sure they're willing to pay me at least the same sum and those motorcycles could be quite useful with a new paint job and the little HYDRA marks scratched off. But more on that later.

I'm not sure what it is but it's Johnny Depp and gothic so I'm sure every teenage girl in America will be interested in some fashion.

Princess Peach. Obviously.

More small adoring fans.

A family of Wolverines.

"Come on, [name]! Do your Darth Vader pose, put your fists up!" "No."

The 501st Legion monitoring the younglings in line for Stormtrooper Training.

A small photo op with a TK, the Clonetroopers are fine fellows when you haven't antagonized them. More on that later.

A potential henchgirl for my caper, but unfortunately she was going up and I was heading down. Isn't that always the way with women?

I attended the John Cusack Q&A, during which he discussed his upcoming film "The Raven", in which he plays Edgar Allan Poe solving a series of grisly murders based on his own stories. It looked quite good. However, what you're seeing in this photo, and you may have to squint a bit, is Batman. Gravely voice and completely in character. Apparently he wanted to tell Mr. Cusack what a fan of Better Off Dead he was. Personally I am all in favor of Batman being better off dead, but I had the sense not to tell him that to his face.

After navigating around some heroes and innocents I ran into a old colleague. Of course we just had to get a picture together.

Then this perverse ritual was being conducted on the floor. Apparently children in costume are just so adorable no one wants to interrupt them extracting genetically altered blood from corpses. I meandered onward.

And then I ran into some more old friends.

Pardon the blurriness, I was doing a lot of struggling. Some idiot decided it was the perfect moment to take my phone and photograph my capture, the general public is obsessed with celebrities.

Fortunately my impending arrest was thwarted by the appearance of not one, but two Jokers and Harleys. Compared to that one little Riddler is small potatoes and I was able to flee in the confusion.

The confusion continues. I think he was hunting vampires.

Small but sinister, I approve.

I fear Jervis may have his hands full if he gets designs on these particular Alices, they seem to have come prepared.

A fellow rogue, of a sense.

Dr. Herbert West.

I found an assassin in the crowd.

And then he found me.

This odd fellow tried to sell me a mustache, in the name of gender equality. I politely declined, but complimented him on his suit.

But then, by a stroke of luck, I found a twin! He's from some bizarre alternate universe where I'm a man, not quite sure what that's about, but at least I continue to dress snappily.

Another Bat showed up and we were forced to flee. He seemed a little...off, though.

I retreated to Artist's Alley and found the creative mind behind Romantically Apocalytic, a favored webcomic of mine. He signed my crossword puzzle book and in return I bought a print.

I'll let you Skyrim fans make your own jokes.

Also I found Jesus.

More representatives of that odd genderswapped universe.

The damned place was teeming with Batgirls, it was very obnoxious.

Ah, Loki. My patron god, if I worshiped anyone more than myself.

In the women's washroom I found Miss Ivy again. I asked her to step outside for the photograph, as taking pictures in the washroom can be perceived as a bit...odd.

Better you than me, Killer Moth.

Oh, goodie. Now they're coming in snack-size.

Fortunately I met a few Rockets and Rockettes who were far more to my taste. I don't know what he was doing to that poor Wobuffet but it can't have been humane.

A Watson, I believe.

And then there was this gentleman, who was demonstrating how his sweat could make random objects stick to his head. Including my phone. I suppose we all need hobbies.

I skipped out on an extremely dull panel on disabilities in comics and instead attended the 501st Legion's presentation, in the interests of supporting our troops and learning about their weak spots. ...more on that later.

I am informed this is Ganner Krieg, an Imperial Knight.

This Ringwraith was most unhelpful in directing me to any riddle-solving hobbits. He seemed to have distinct problems finding them, and possibly an upper respiratory infection.

My biggest fangirl. This woman said my outfit was one of the best at the convention. Of course, why wouldn't it be?

No idea who this is.

A half hour before the floor closed I met these sparking young women, who were trying to get the ATM to work. Or possibly to turn it into a death machine. Whatever it was they were obviously women of awesome so we chatted for a time. In descending order they are Agatha Heterodyne, Lucrezia Mongfish, and that one girl from Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Lovely young ladies, and if not for my impending crime I would have chatted longer.

Unfortunately the Captain America charity heist did not quite go as planned. It seems the jokes about Stormtrooper incompetence are a little less true than I would have liked. Since Chicago was not their area of authority they couldn't technically arrest me, but it was made clear that I should remove myself from the convention center at my nearest possible convenience should I wish to retain the use of my head.

And then I was soundly mocked by a pair of five year olds, but when they show such poor taste in role models it's almost a compliment.

riddler, picpost, convention, c2e2

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