Title: Solve Me
Fandom: Batman (1960s TV Show)
Characters: Riddler, Batman, OC
Warnings: Depression, discussion of suicide.
Summary: “What is the question every man asks and every man will solve, but no one can tell the answer to?”
Author’s Note: And my descent into depravity continues. Unsure where this fits in relation to my other two fics. One
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Now onto the specifics.
I have always liked how you wrote the Riddler in this 'verse, with his manic actions and need for attention, and little tics and mannerisms that perfectly reflect Gorshin's portrayal. However, what really won me over in this piece was Batman.
In all honesty, I read fic for the villains, so coming away from the piece with such an impression of the Dark Knight just as much, if not moreso, is a truly impressive feat for me. What really intrigued me was how much thought went into why he does not take a life, how he keeps himself in check, and how he holds himself up to a certain standard.
For a lighthearted and campy series, I liked that peek behind the mask, that as ridiculous as some of the antics in the episodes get, there is a rhyme and reason to it. And the sadist in me enjoys that the 60's wholesomeness is not as wholesome as it seems.
As they say, the brighter the picture, the darker the negative.
Just the entirety of Batman talking the Riddler down, showing him his life had value, dealing with a simultaneous cry for help and his ego...a delicate process to handle, and an even more delicate process to write, and it was handled beautifully.
For a rather dark and sinister piece, though, I did enjoy some of the dark humor in it.
Go ahead. Solve me.
All I know is I solved the riddle of why this piece was awesome.
As much as everyone decries the cheese and law-abiding to the point of utter ridiculousness of this particular Batman, I find it makes him an interesting character to play with. There's genuine sincerity in all the corny lectures he hands out and even by the standards of his canon he keeps himself completely on the level. Out of all the Batmans he actually is the one who'd sit down and calmly talk a villain down from suicide, and I wanted to see that happening.
Villains are fun. But genuinely nice guys can be interesting.
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