So Convergence was basically the most amazing thing ever. 24 hour geek-out party, hordes of fangirls and fanboys who share my interests, beautiful costumes, interesting panels, and an abundance of oddly-named alcoholic beverages. I'm not going to post all the pictures I took because there were approximately 500 of them and I'm not filling my LJ with 500 pictures, but I'll post a few of the more relevant ones.
Aww yeah.
Linkara. I went to pull Alana over and nearly slingshotted her into him, which wouldn't have made for a good first impression. Not that squeeing like loons made matters any better. At some point I'm going to write him a formal email expressing my more dignified opinions of his work but right then all we could do was squee. Also wtf is going on with my pants.
This is only going to be hilarious to the people who watch Atop the Fourth Wall on a regular basis, but this is Lord Vyce's actor. No, really. His prop woman was also there but I forgot to take a picture of her in the squeeful madness.
On a more academic note,
PZ Myers, famous atheist activist and cephalopod enthusiast. I think he also does some actual science or something but who cares, he posts baby squids to his blog and that makes him awesome. Our exchange basically consisted of "Eeeee!" "???" "My friend is a huge fan of yours!" "And you're not?" "No, no, I totally am! And I love the tentacles. But not like that!" I am not good around celebrities.
On to costuming. This was my Saturday daytime attire, cosplaying Ness from Earthbound/Super Smash Bros. The stripes were made with blue duct tape, and I was surprised to get actual compliments on it. Here I am with another me.
For the evening I changed into my more elegant attire. The eyepatch was an impulse buy from the dealer's room, the red coat is Goodwill, the shirt was on loan from Alana, and the skirt was a handmedown from Kate. So basically nothing in the costume was originally mine, and for some reason I find that kind of cool.
Eyepatch closeup. It's actually a tinted lens, so aside from the metalwork I can see right through it. I wore it on the busride home...didn't get any comments. So sad.
The next day I obtained a swordcane with a ten-legged spider under glass for the pommel. Also an impulse buy from the dealer's room and I felt like such a steampunk pimp walking around with it.
A mild aside, but I may have found my dream cat. This is Strika, or possibly Sasha (we're working on a name), who a friend of mine took in from the streets the day before I left. She's ridiculously cuddly and so sweet despite her burly form, and since our friend is driving down in August I'm hoping he can just keep her until he can bring her down to me.
So right, the Sherlock people. These were our major cosplayers, featuring Tiny Sherlock as the star. You will see more of Tiny Sherlock later.
Our slash panel, which contained an actual academic (Anne Krustiz) who studies slash fandom and had some interesting opinions. Apparently one of the attendees went missing, so MK decided to steal her spot.
After a frenzied duel with Tiny Sherlock.
Tiny Sherlock then sat quietly, until the panel decided to offer the definition of slash for the one old dude in the audience who apparently showed up out of curiosity and being an awesome old guy.
"This is slash."
A lot of people got sat on during that panel.
The menfolk, in their rightful place. I am 90% sure this was his idea.
This is the same person as the Mycroft above. I know, it freaked me out too, given my tendency to identify people by hair and clothing/accessories more than face.
Sherlock = pimp
And then we all descended to the lobby and were up until about 3am fanperson-flailing. It was amazing.