Dec 14, 2010 21:40
Months in Chicago and my computer hasn't so much as burped. Six hours in Knoxville and suddenly the touchpad has stopped working. Horrifically glad this is now rather than in Chicago where finding a Staples to get it repaired at would be troublesome and finding a temporary replacement fix computer would be far harder, but the panic response is there anyway.
It's under warranty and I can use one of my parents' computers if it has to be sent to the shop, which is good, but I leave for Chicago on the 28th, which is less good since it usually takes about 10 business days for turnaround in my (unfortunately) long experience. Maybe Staples gives better service than CompUSA, or maybe it's something that can be repaired quickly or in-store.
Or maybe I will wake up tomorrow and it will be magically fixed by the machine spirits, who knows.
EDIT: Though apparently there's a Staples about three miles from my house in Chicago, so in theory I could just have them mail it there instead of back down to Knoxville if things get dire. This too will pass, it'll just be awkward until it does.