Firstly, to correct any misconceptions, I am not permanently in Chicago. I'm visiting Chicago to check out the program's open house and give the city a trial run before I start moving all my shit up here. If nothing else my parents need me at home for a few months.
Day 2 in Chicago goes well, despite being cold and wet. I went to a few sessions/speeches/information thingers about the MAPSS program and to be quite honest it looks perfect for me. There's a good PhD-acceptance rate for those getting out of the program alive, it's interdisciplinary (which is where my interest sits), and the university seems to be a pretty comfy place. Not that I had a choice to begin with, but I feel better about the situation than I did last night.
Not that it's just the school that's encouraging me. After I got done listening to the psych chairmen natter on, a pair of women sitting across from me at the table offered to meet me at the bookshop. We got hungry and wandered out to Thai food and had a perfectly marvelous discussion about psychology and Tim Burton and cosplay and our respective hometowns and alma maters.
lonescorpion came to find us after some initial misunderstandings and then we went out for hot drinks. It was nice. Cold outside, but cozy anyway.
So basically I'm dealing. ^_^