Title: When Things Stopped Making Sense
vani_nessa-- At the Beach Scourge
Prompt: At the Beach Scourge - Pirate AU (Can I pick a more obvious one?)
Author’s Note: A Piratecronian fic that is not in the format of Scourge telling a story so that Roddy will shut up and stop bothering him, for once.
Alternatively, Scourge actually catches a break. )
Comments 7
I keep forgetting how young your pirate'cronians are, too. It's oddly adorable. *snugs them*
Whew! Close call.
*grins* Well, that's what he thinks.
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Everyone seems to like it when Scourge gets into a fix, that's probably why he gets into so many when I write him. It's more fun that way.
I think this is one of the first times I've written actual Galvatron participation in something, most of the influence comes from his depictions by raisedbymoogles and faithinfire. He's just this big, larger than life guy that most people have stopped trying to get their heads around and just accepted that he has his own logic.
I really liked this one. A lot. It was great. I liked the ending especially. I liked how you made the resolution so simple while at the same time managing to make it make very little sense.
Very, very well written.
*loves pirate!Scourge!*
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