I think the headcast has gone a bit batty in the wake of Triad deprivation. Tattertale wants to see if he can work
Kroenen's stle of blades into a dance routine and Skeletor's considering making some sort of cartoon villain's guide to Marvelverse New York now that he's got himself firmly settled in.
Of course, if you want to talk about batty you should have seen our D&D game Saturday night. It started off with the reasonable 'a strange entity tells you all to go to this place to get neat stuff' and then we wound up having amusing escapades in a sewer system and battling various bandits whose elevators didn't go all the way to the top floor.
To my minor annoyance, Crispy had been playing/DMing for so long that he knows exactly how to design a character so that it can godmode its way through both the game and the rest of the players and make it so chaotic that he can pretty much do whatever he wants without technically breaking character.
Of course, that didn't mean it didn't come with amusing consequences, specifically towards the end of the game (that would be 3 AM, when everyone tends to be a bit off anyway) when a convoluted thought process inspired him to turn my character's zombie into a dancing disco
cactuar, which was smiled upon by the God of Disco and blessed with immortality and minor attack skills. Inane, yes, but it was too funny to pass up although it does show Crispy's way of seeing RPing that he was halfway to making a Will Save against me in order to forcibly transmutate my zombie instead of just asking my character, which she gladly agreed to because cactuars are even more vaguely adorable than zombies).
It took me a while to get used to because everyone else was pretty emotionally detached from their character and inclined to fuck around with each other for no apparent reason instead of sticking to strictly RPing as their character. But it wound up being pretty fun anyway, once I managed to stop being so impatient and accepted that everyone else had the attention span of a flee.
EDIT: Also, I have decided that doing a paper on medieval passion plays is way too confusing for me to tackle, as most of the texts have bits of Middle/Old English in them and it's got letters that I didn't even know existed. I'll see if I can't give myself the rest of the day to meditate on another topic to present on, something with Diversity but still concrete enough to be actually useful.