This morning was like any other morning... UNTIL....

Sep 18, 2011 11:21

Ahem... *puts on shades*

9:50am - Amy entered the kitchen, looking to get some coffee. Then she sees it.
10:00am - I get the call. We've had a casualty in our highrise cabinets. Someone went and killed the keyblade bearer. Well, one of 'em.

Crime Scene photos under the cut...

The two suspects? The best friend, Riku. Lived right next door to him. They'd had some differences in the past, but came out with their friendship stronger. Or so it was thought.

The other suspect? Axel. Organization Member VIII, history of setting things and people on fire. Has been trying to turn Sora into a heartless to get his best friend back for a while. Though, supposedly, he gave up on that. Lived on the other side of Sora. Have some mugshots.

Just look at that smarmy smirk. That just says GUILTY all over it. Just sayin'

Riku had an alibi. Hadn't moved from the position we set him in since he moved in last week. Axel on the other hand? His weapon was askew. The one on the side of Sora. Very suspicious.

More crime scene photos...

The Keyblade, which had been secured to him, had fallen right out of his hand.  Very suspicious.

Musta been dead before he even hit the floor.

The Wtinesses?

20, including the suspects, were on the High Rise with 'em last night. All moved in at the same time. Of course no one claims to have seen a thing. They were all otherwise preoccupied or something. Never puttin' Thor and Loki together as "Corner Guardians" again. they'll get themselves.....

From left to right: Vincent Valentine, Vaan, Balthier, Yuna, Tidus, Cure Blossom, Kadaj, Cure Marine, Blackleg Sanji, Monkey D Luffy, Itachi, Loki, Thor, Minamino Shuuichi aka. Kurama, Yusuke Urameshi, Axel, Riku, Sora, Kairi, Vincent Valentine's identical twin.

Six poor things were several floors below, they just watched him fall.

The victim was covered up out of respect.

As the investigation continues, we'll let you know. *puffs on candy cigarette*

condo, sora, .....

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