Eternal Fantasy (who?)

Jul 03, 2008 13:20

Yours truly have a habit of downloading CG set from games... because I can never have enough time to play them all, so looking at the pretty pictures is the only way out (sometimes).

When I downloaded the CG set for Eternal Fantasy (don't click on the link if you're averse to hentai... although compared to what's out there this one is verily mild), a few of the CG scenes really made me wonder. The little girl is part of the main character casts, but the other 2 people... there was only a few of CGs which actually contained them (the ones I post below... pretty much that's all). And there are 400+ CGs in the game...

This picture made me think... she looks like she's wearing a veil. Wedding?

...a company out there please translate this. I'll buy it without a second thought.

...I hope one day I can actually play this game. I want to know who those characters are, and what happened in those pictures...

games, hentai

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