puchiko_beam helped me to find a
Blue Moon rose tree for my Aunt last weekend. And seeing how my Aunt is really quite busy, I'm taking care of the tree until she has the time to pick it up. I have to admit, I'm a bit reluctant...
...to put it simply, I'm getting a bit obsessed. It's currently 2:30PM at work and I keep on thinking about going home soon (preferably now) so I can water the tree. It's pretty much summer, and I'm worried the soil will dry mid-day. ...will probably move the pot somewhere where there's shade during mid-day.
...it's like playing
Plant Tycoon: Real Life. And there was a point in time when I got addicted to playing....
Also, been browsing for other almost-blue roses, compiling a list of rose trees I'd like to have one day.
- Blueberry Hill
- Shocking Blue
- Have always liked multi-coloured roses, but it's difficult to find a colour combination I like... I like colours like Heart O Gold.
- Don't normally like white roses, but for Fragrant Wave I'll make an exception.
- Will also be keeping in mind a variety for the future... according to this Florigene had managed to genetically engineer blue roses. Looked around, but can't seem to find it anywhere.