Sep 02, 2007 09:53
Princess Waltz is getting released in English oyay! Being the gullible consumer I am, I'm putting that down on my to-buy list... because the alternative is to play it with a Japanese dictionary open on my lap all the time. I tried, but it took me close to 4 hours, and I still haven't gotten past the prologue yet.
And this fangirl would be even more happier if they'd also translate the Visual Fanbook. ...although that's probably asking a little bit too much. But if they'd just continue the trend and translate Soft Chara House or Alice Soft or Nitro+ games.... I'd be damn broke, but HAPPILY broke. Or maybe one of the latest ADVs like Reconquista, or oldies like Kao no Nai Tsuki....
If the above paragraphs don't mean anything to you, then it's not addressed to you... maybe.
Also, been spending this weekend worse than a pig. My total waking hour in a day is less than 10 hours.... on the other hand, I'm getting better; I don't cough as often and the runny nose is gone.
Has that ever happened to anyone? At night you feel absolutely fine, then the next morning you wake up and suddenly you have runny nose, dizziness and dry cough. Strange. Trying to figure out if it's something I ate....
Also, managed to finish City to Surf; 12km walk with a total time of 2:04:51. More or less the time I'd guessed I'd get.
wanted and got,