LJ Interests meme results
- bishounens:
Hmm. I can't really remember why I listed this... but it must have something to do with that goal I had way back in highschool... which is confidential. Hopefully. - fruits basket:
Well, it's Fruits Basket... what else can I say? It's a wonderful anime, although I wish the manga would end or something... the longer it goes, the more money I have to spend.... - hellsing:
Vampires. Guns.
What else do I need? - kahlil gibran:
The very first reason that sparked my interest in philosophy. Reading his work is always a wonderful experience. When I first came to Australia, his book was the only book I brought with me. - mineko ohkami:
.....I'm interested in Mineko Ohkami... solely because she's the author of a manga I've been yearning to read; "Lumen Lunae". .....I wish someone somewhere would scanlate it all... or legally publish it... I really want to read it........ - mpd psycho:
.....It's Shou Tajima. It doesn't need any other reason, really. - please save my earth:
The best drama-romance manga I've ever read. And the only romance manga I won't be embarassed to admit reading and liking. - role-playing:
.m^A$L%k#a@V*i~A&n' - the endless:
Neil Gaiman.
....strangely, I've been planning to collect the series for years.... and still haven't started..... - yaoi:
.....does this really need to be explained.......
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........downloaded and read a random manga. I think it's called... "Yougen no Chi", or something similar.
.....................talk about disturbing............................. disturbing as in, seeing a cute teenage girl killing people/monster to eat their meat while saying "Meat... meat.... sweet meat..." ................the fact that her partner is a vampire-doll is actually.... well, say... a match made in hell heaven? One drinks the blood the other eats the meat... they'd only need another one to eat the bones.