Cutting Energy Consumption at HOME
Reducing your overall energy emissions is the best thing you can do to make a positive contribution to cutting greenhouse gas emissions. Take individual action - Change how much energy you use, how wisely you use it and where you get your energy from. Go Green - Most electricity retailers offer a green option which allows you to source your energy from renewable sources.
Change your lights & Flick the Switch
Compact fluorescent light bulbs use 80% less energy and can last up to 8 times longer than conventional light bulbs. Switch off lights when you leave the room and turn off your appliances at the wall when you’re not using them. Standby power or phantom loads, account for 10% of your electricity bill. Book a Climate Smart Home Service today to save energy, money & the environment.
Be Water Wise
➤Take a shorter shower
➤ Turn off the tap when you don’t need the water ie brushing your teeth.
➤ Water your garden only when necessary. Fewer, deeper waterings encourage deeper root systems and more robust plants.
➤ Wash your car with a bucket and trigger nozzle over a grassed area.
➤ Fix dripping taps and leaking pipes.
➤ Plant a water efficient garden - select plants carefully, group them according to their water needs and mulch well.
➤Install a dual flush toilet
➤ Fit water-efficient shower heads and taps. Fix leaking taps quickly.
➤ Buy water-efficient white goods with a label of at least three stars
➤ Install flow restriction devices on your taps and shower
➤ Install a water tank
➤ Use a pool blanket - A properly fitted pool blanket stops 97% evaporation.
Is there another way to get there?
Walking, riding a bike, car pooling or using public transport will reduce emissions and consumption. Fuel made from Fossil Fuels is the largest man-made source of carcinogens and the leading source of toxic emissions. Instead of going on several trips, try to combine them. An added bonus: your car runs most efficiently when it’s warm.
When it’s time to buy a new car, consider one which is fuel efficient or even better a hybrid. Keep your car serviced and regularly check your tyres - keeping tyres at the correct pressure can save up to 3% on your fuel use.
Buy Local & Buy Fresh
Transporting food and other products uses a lot of fuel. If it’s made in another state or country, reject it in favour of the locally produced brand. Buy from Farmers Markets or local providers where possible.
Fresh fruit and Veg are easily obtainable, taste better and incur about ½ of the emissions of the tinned or frozen equivalents. You will also be helping by reducing packaging.
Keeping cool and Saving money.
➤ Ceiling fans are the most energy efficient form of cooling.
➤ Operate air conditioners on a low setting and choose a unit most suitable for the room size.
➤ Close curtains over large glass areas. When closed, window coverings also protect you from the sun’s glare.
➤Good insulation can reduce temperatures by as much as 10 degrees
Did you know?
Using meat and cheeses to flavour dishes rather than as a major ingredient can save up to 3 tonnes of greenhouse gas per year. Beef and cheese account for 5-10 times more emissions than nutritionally equivalent grain and nut foods. Breads, pastas, nuts, bean dishes and oats are high in protein, energy and fibre and are efficient to produce. They can easily replace meat and are healthier to eat. Eat organic food.
Slash your electricity bills - Go Solar
Solar power is the cleanest, most viable form of renewable energy available to help power your house. Solar Power uses solar panels to turn sunlight into electricity which you can use to power your home. Solar energy is a great way to add to the value of your home, reduce your electricity bills and reduce your environmental impact. Solar rebates of up to $8,000 from the Australian Government can help you get an affordable solar electricity system installed at your home.
And what can I do at work?
Increased Energy Efficiency in homes, businesses and Industry can provide financial benefits through reduced electricity bills and reducing Greenhouse gas emissions. Every person has some power over the energy they use in the workplace, whether you’re the owner, manager, employee, contractor or volunteer.
• Install compact fluorescent bulbs instead of standard light bulbs - they use much less energy and last a lot longer.
• Use laptops or notebook computers where possible. They use around 90% less energy than a conventional desktop computer.
• Switch off PC monitors whenever possible. Screen savers don’t save energy and the monitor sometimes uses more energy than the computer itself.
Printers and Photocopiers
• If possible, use ink jet plain paper faxes and printers as they generally use less energy than laser models.
• Purchase a copier with a ‘sleep mode’ function, as these take only 10 to 20 seconds to warm up again.
• Use photo reduction and double-sided copying where possible.
Switch Off
• Turn equipment off when not in use, particularly outside your regular hours of operation. A quick check at the end of the day and before the weekend will prevent wasted energy. It is a myth that switching it off can damage equipment.
• It is untrue that large amounts of energy are required to start up equipment. In fact, turning off equipment generally increases its useful lifetime.
• Office equipment can still use energy when switched off at the appliance, but not at the same power point. Although only small, this ‘phantom’ consumption still adds up! If power points are difficult to reach, consider installing power boards.
• Fit power points with plug-in timers to ensure equipment is not left on outside of operating hours. They are available at your local hardware store.
• Look for models of equipment with built-in sleep modes that can be activated to cut electricity consumption while the equipment is not in use.
Quick Fixes
Catch public transport, walk or ride to work instead of driving.
Turn off your computer and monitor before you leave work.
Turn off the printer at the end of the day.
Turn off the lights at the end of the day.
Turn off vending and coffee machines overnight.
Take the stairs instead of the lift.
Drink tap water instead of cooled water.
If you use a kettle to make a cuppa, only boil as much water as you need.
Take a coffee mug to the coffee shop instead of using disposables.
Set your printer default to print double sided - you will cut your paper consumption by up to 50%.