"Geeky people often have that which is most valuable in this life. A mind with its own heartbeat!" - My Heartbeat
I think that I was not very well placed in reality.
I need to make a new list of books i want to read...my old huge list got deleted somehow off of my computer. =/
i really want a new penpal. Email style. So email me! and i'll email you back! yesssss. either
theatreaddict24@aol.com or
Seeing girls holding girl hands and boys holding boy hands makes me infinitely happy.
I still kinda want to shave my head...just because.
my foot is itchy.
I don't understand myself most of the time but I'd like to be understood.
But a lot of the time I feel happy in myself. So worry not. I have wonder in my life.
i got travel scrabble. i am officially the biggest geek i know. A geekster, even.
I could tell you about the guy that gave me his card and told me to call him if I ever became interested in acting.
I could tell you about watching the gymnastics today and how that made me miss dance.
I could tell you about my spooky dream or the bruises on my knees.
I could tell you about watching the Royal Tanenbaums and being happy.
I could tell you about missing a day. I could tell you about missing a boy.
But instead I'm going to tell you this: it was a beautiful day. it is currently a beautiful night. go and breathe.
did you know hippos poo more than any other animal?
i wish i lived on a boat.
Sometimes I vaguely wish I would be disfigured. Not horribly. Just a little. Just Enough.
can you smell in dreams? I think i can. but everyone says that you don't. so i dont know what to think.
I dream of being a rockstar but like, a really hated one. I don't know who will hate me but someone will. There will be protests, probably from folks who are like "She's a sellout", or "she's Prepackages Crap" or whatever. And I'll grab some of the protestors and be like "You want to tell people how much I suck you can do it on stage!" So we'll all go on stage and I'll be like "These are my new friends and they want to tell you how much I suck for blah blah blah, I want them to sing and dance with us...so kids, what do you want to do?" and then my band will start to play the opening cords of Blister in the Sun and I'll hand them microphones and pull one of them into a waltz pose and we will dance our heart outs and afterwards we'll sit down on stage and have a little talk (with thousands of people listening to us of course) and I'll say, "See, you could have been an jerk, but thanks for not being one, and I could have been an jerk, but I wasn't either, and you guys are my personal rock stars and remember it's a lot more fun to spread the love NOW let's get this show started!" and then Avril Lavigne will talk about me being a goody two shoes and Barbara Walters will be like "How do you feel about that?" And I'll be like "Tell that girl she's got a backstage pass to any of my shows and we can have a little party whenever she wants." And she'll show up looking all cool and we'll bounce around and sing Complicated and everyone knows the words, even if you hate her, and all my shows will just be these little love fests until the world is filled with love.
i really need to start writing poetry again; i think it would be good for me.
i wish we had jamba juice in orlando
it really is like romeo and juliet
i totally just made an Iced Cafe Mocha with an extra shot just how i like it...IN MY KITCHEN
Sometimes, especially online or when i'm tired, I'm like the free sample lady at Sam's Club. I can't help but want to give anything and everything away. My heart is a snickerdoodle cookie.
If you don't know, I have issues expressing my anger. I'm a very angry person but the only way I deal with it is by internalizing it until it manifests into this big ball of ouchiness inside me.
"I'm not a writer because I have a therapist or because, if I had the means, I'd be an alchoholic. I'm a wirter because I haven't figured out how to paint my life yet and I'm not satisfied to leave my existence unexamed and unshared." -someone
I hate playing scrabble with a boy and having to make a dirty word, like Penis or Oral or Sex, because it seems like a come on when it's simply a strategical move.
i love scratching people's heads and lovebiting their shoulders and touching their tummies.
Does anyone really look attractive while brushing their teeth? The main girl and the girls best friends brother from Bring it On don't count.
i hate lying in bed not sleeping and being mad because I'm not sleeping and not being productive
Brittany: I...I'm retarded why do boys like me?
Boy: big time
Boy: because you're spectactulary retarded
Boy: He digs you.
Brittany: ...I can't tell if you're exaggerating or not
Brittany: be serious
Boy: I am being serious. That's what I think.
Brittany: wow
Boy: I don't think you realize that alot of boys totally like you.
Brittany: well how can you tell?? how am I supposed to know?
Boy: The best way to tell is by being a boy who likes you.
and then later:
Boy: Brittany, sometimes you are right out of a short story.
I don't want to be a short story girl, they burn out fast.
my haiku:
a boy is playing
gameboy in the library
he don't want no books
I think people's rooms are the most interesting things.
I'd like to make a book that is just a picture and bio of a person, and on the next page a picture of their bedroom.
talking to alia poonawala is fantastic
gmail is great. if you have it. add me.
malaysiantylermoore@gmail.com radddd
I want to run through a forest of glow sticks.
today i just...chilled. tomorrow i will probably flip out and read stanislavsky (if i dont just do that later tonight) and packkkkkk
coffee frozen yogurt is the new love of my life. boys? what are those? all i see is coffee frozen yogurt.
I swear VH1 has brain depleting capabilities.
who has The Incredibles game for their ds. yes. that's me.
"when you and I are lying in bed
you don't seem so tall" -song
Apparently pigtails are the international symbol for "I'm easy and I want you to ask me for my number. Really"
the problem with knowing too much is knowing too much.
my feet are cold. and i'm wearing two pairs of socks. and it's june.
The problem is I expect too much from people.
The problem is I expect to have it all figured out.
The problem is I am less than I thought I was.