Jun 16, 2009 22:20
I'm sure everyone on board the Vongola and SDC are aware of the centipedes by now. I'll be rather clear and honest, if you haven't already figured it out.
They belong to me. All ten of them.
I'll also make myself clear regarding one thing.
Do not lay a single blow on them. If I stumble upon one that is very well dead, you'll be answering to me. I don't care who you are. They're mine and I should be the one delivering punishments, not you. Incursori is with me, so you have no reason to harm any of the others.
I'm gathering them all and will be releasing them, so don't bother me about it. Since I do have no other choice-- It would be appreciated if anyone who has seen one to let me know. Whatever effect you may be experiencing will wear off. Be patient and quite complaining.
... Listen to what I say next time, Colonnello. You could have gotten killed--