(no subject)

May 29, 2009 23:40

Who; Lal Mirch & Colonnello
What; COMSUBIN!Lal goes to meet future Colonnello. He ticks her off. She doesn't believe how his skills have improved, so he proves it. She's not a happy camper. Time travel is srs bsns :|
When; This morning yesterday whatever blargdj
Where; On deck of the Vongola
Rating; PG

That idiot had the nerve to play with her like that. To insult her. He had the nerve to say he could shoot when clearly he couldn't, and act lock a cocky fool. Lal had switched with her past self,currently on the ship as a twenty five year old lieutenant; a drill instructor for COMSUBIN, and currently, Colonnello's personal instructor. At least, that's what she thought. Colonnello was still Colonnello, and she was as sure as ever that he was still that clumsy, idiotic blond thing. Finally, she made it, stomping onto the deck as she would normally at COMSUBIN; arms crossed, her expression stoned into a dead on glare, catching sight of the blond. "At attention, soldier!!" Even though he claimed to know more, to be older, and things that were completely ludicrous in her eyes... this was still her student. One that she had no intention of softening up for just because he claimed to apparently, be from the future. She wasn't stupid. Her hands stayed behind her back as she looked up to meet the blond's eyes.

A voice he could never ever forget. Lal Mirch had just arrived and she sounded as frustrated as ever. Colonello smiled at this. It was all too familiar. Even as they claimed to be in love with each other, Lal still had that spartan tick to her. Now, however, it would be three fold. "Hey!" He whirled around and grinned stupidly, his hand up in the air to wave at her. "About time you got here!"

The woman responded with a punch to the other's gut, as she normally would if behavior like that was presented to her in such a manner. She didn't have a clue as to their relationship now... the only thing she knew was what she knew. "Hmph... how many times do I have to tell you to wipe that idiotic grin off your face?" She paused. " Judging by what you have been saying, you should know that, shouldn't you?"

Colonello slightly grunted when Lal punched him. Yeah, it still hurt. "Now I'm used to you trying not to smile back when I do that, hey." His hand fell on top of her head and ruffled her hair, he couldn't take his eyes off her. "You still don't believe I'm from the future, Lalipop?"

"W-what are you trying to imply?!" She waved that hand away from her head, raising her own hand to fix her cap, refusing to believe any of the hints given to her. She just couldn't. Or could it have...? A flustered, tiny blush could be seen forming at her cheeks, still trying to stay dominant here, and hide an emotion or two. "Don't call me that!"

"I'm implying that you're less of a spartan in the future, hey!" He continued to grin at the woman. This was too funny. "What am I supposed to call you then?"

"T'ch." Lal simply huffed it off, still thinking about the possibility. Less spartan? Well, of course. She probably had to resign after a while, no? Especially after Colonello claimed he was almost sixty. Sixty. How was that possible? "When you haven't changed in personality or appearance? I refuse to believe this unless solid proof is presented." She looked up at him. "What you are required to call me, brat. Lieutenant, instructor, sir, m'am, or master. either is acceptable."

"I don't think I'm allowed to tell you why I look this way, but I am almost sixty." He pouted. "Would I lie to you, hey?" When she started naming off what he could call he, he raised his hand and made it talk like a puppet as she spoke. "I'll just call you Lal."

"You are aware that that is extremely hard to believe, I hope." She hesitated. Maybe not lie, but... well. She wasn't sure. He was such an idiot, doing so many things that were uncalled for and things that could've put people in danger, just to get a laugh out of it-- "..." She stared as his hand was raised, making those motions, as if he was going 'blahblahblah'. Her eyebrows furrowed, immediately going to smack his hand down with force, grabbing at his wrist and twisting. He could, if wanted to, get out of that easily, no? "Then use my full name. I won't tolerate informality among my students."

"I don't blame you." He shrugged. "I'd believe you though, hey." He smiled again, but it quickly twitched in pain once Lal took him by the wrist. "Lal Mirch then." He chuckled, deciding it was time to prove himself. His free hand grabbed onto her wrist and spun her around (with a bit of force considering how strong she was) until her back was against his chest. "Just as long as you don't call me solider."

" -!! " Being honest, she wasn't expecting that. At all. "How did you..." The Colonello she knew would be on the floor right now-- either that, or saying 'alright alright!' (with some chuckling in between). He didn't know how to get out of her locks. Well... this one did. She stepped forward, tugging at her arm so the man would know to let go. Giving a quiet hmph, mostly out of disbelief, she kept her gaze to the floor, until she was facing him again. He proved himself a bit. "... And your aim?"

He was getting there, it would only be a matter of time before she was left bewildered. He let go off her wrist so their eyes could meet again. Almost immidietly, he pulld out his rifle. "Point to anything, hey" He gave her a cocky grin, but he had a right to. At this point in time, he never missed.

Her eyed scanned everything that was around her, until she had her focus set on something. "Give." She held out her arm, instructing Colonello to lend her his gun. There was quite a large boulder in the distance, and she wanted to create a specific target for him.

He smirked, having some idea of what she was up to. Without saying a word, he placed it in her hand. "Be careful, hey. It's more powerful than the usual guns you see me playing with."

She took a quick glimpse at the gun now in her hands, scanning its form. "... PTRS-41. " They didn't allow frogmen at their level to use these so early... apparently, he got a hold of one-- and was pretty confident. Too confident. Setting up on the floor of the deck, she crouched down onto her stomach, aiming, and firing a single shot, right near the middle of that boulder. Getting back up, the woman shoved the rifle to Colonnello's chest, glimpsing at the created target, then back at him. "Shoot at the exact same place. Not an inch under of above."

Colonello raised and eyebrow when she shot the gun. He wasn't used to seeing her handle such weaponry, but damn, she was good at it. "Easy." Too much confidence? No, he's been training for a good thirty years. He bent down one one knee and held the gun tightly, closing one eyes and concentrating on the boulder. One shot: bull's eye. He smirked. "Anything else?"

Being used to complete and utter failure, Lal was almost disgusted with the amount of confidence Colonnello had. She scowled, just waiting, telling herself that it was impossible. Surely enough, as she watched him fire, he hit the target perfectly. Perfectly. "Wha..." Lal Mirch was for once, at loss of words.

He held out a hand, smirking at the woman. "Hey. I'm Colonello, it's nice to meet you again, Lal Mirch." She had just been proven wrong. Mentally, he prepared for a punch in the gut.

Lal was still staring at the crushed target in disbelief. She really couldn't believe it. "How did you..." A few more moments of silence, before she finally decided to turn and face Colonnello, just staring down at his hand. No, she... wouldn't punch him again. She just crossed her arms over her chest, gaze avoiding his. She was wrong. "Hm."

"I've been practicing for a long time, hey. I even gained the title as being in charge of Mafia Land's underground." He still kept his hand out. "You trained me well, hey."

...She's heard of that place. Yet, she won't be looking into that until a few more weeks after getting a notice for that curse... it didn't happen yet. But from what she's heard, that place is pretty upscale, run by the Mafia. Hpmh. So he got involved with that. "... I see." She continued to look at his hand, as if it was an alien to her. Eventually, she had to push it away, a small blush on her face returning. "Stop that."

"It's only a friendly gesture." He arm dropped, a smile against his lips seeing her blush. And so it began. "How long are you going to be here, hey? I'm getting married soon and Lal is an important guest of the wedding."

Married? A part of Lal had somewhat sunk. The part that cared-- but hell, that part was so small, she could easily ignore it like she always did! Huffing again, her body spun to face the ocean, letting the breeze caress her face, hair blowing in different directions. "The hell if I know, Colonnello. I didn't choose to be here." Letting her eyes drift shut, she soon faced Colonnello, expression less stern, though not soft. "... Congratulations. I wish you a prosperous life." A small minute of hesitation, and she saluted him, (rare, though he had gained her approval) turning her back, and heading down the stairs and into the ship. Just to talk a walk around the place and become more familiar. She didn't know how long she was going to be here, anyway.

"She better got back soon then." He shrugged, but quirked an eyebrow at how disapointed she seemed. He had the urge to tell her, but no, he'd save it for the future. Although, telling her now could help him avoid death. Maybe some hints? He wouldn't tell her anymore than that. "Thanks, hey. I'm really lucky too." He runs his fingers against his scalp. "She's a bit tough and independent. I met her working in COMSUBIN too. Maybe you'll meet her one day." That would be all.

Lal paused in her steps as the other spoke, just as she was about to step away from sight. Her head turned the slightest, the corner of her eye catching a single glance of the blond's figure, before turning away once more. "I wish her luck." If she was the type to easily smirk, boy, would she have one right now. It was amusing, yet... something she couldn't explain. "She'll need it."

!ooc, !log post

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