Sep 15, 2005 11:38
I am so tired of people talking about how sad people with addictions are. I have heard so many people say they would never get addicted to drugs because it's "sad" but everyone is addicted to something it seems. Everyone has an addiction, some people have more then one. Shopping, chocolate, writing, singing, acting, popularity, working, perfection, girls, boys, relationships, religion, complaining, finding the silver lining, drugs, painting, music, movies, TV, magazines, fashion, gossip, drama, diets, sympathy.
I was addicted to cutting. Now I'm addicted to cleaning and guys who treat me like shit.
Emily was addicted to not eating. Now she's addicted to sleeping pills and losing weight from working out.
That's all life is, moving from one addiction to another. It's how people get by, being addicted to things gives you reasons to live. It gives you something to do other then sit around and mope because your life isn’t perfect. But then again moping is an addiction for some people. Anything that passes through your mind in one day can be an addiction to someone. People in relationships are addicted to their spouses. Masochists are addicted to pain. The list goes on and on doesn't it? You just have to admit you're addicted; it makes life a lot easier to live.
I took two of Emily's energy/fat burning pills today. I think I was just trying to understand her a little bit better, and I do now. These things make you all shaky and hyper, like you just sucked in a bunch of helium. It's sad to say, but I definitely like it. And the fact that you're losing weight at the same time, I need to not be around these things ever again. I'd like to keep my addictions to a minimum thank you. I decided to quit drugs all together and I haven't smoked in a while. Of course drinking will still be on my list, but only every once and a while. I need to find other things to keep me busy and make me feel good other then pills and plants. I don't like the idea that I would be bad for somebody; it doesn't make me feel good to know that. I think that’s a good sign, but who knows. I'll probably get weak every once and a while, but as long as I don't do it all the time.... that’s a pretty good first step.
My sister’s boss offered me a job. I would be her assistant. Me, a designer’s assistant up in LA. I like the sound of that. This whole moving to LA thing gets better and better everyday. I'm going to talk to my mom about it when I go back to San Diego on Friday. The best part about it is I'll be driving soon, so if I want to visit anyone I can just drive down and see them. I wouldn't be moving for at least a month though because I have concerts to go to up until November 1st. Plus I would want time to see everyone. It's perfect timing though. I'm getting job offers up here and my sister is moving so we could find a place for the both of us. If I don't move now it would be her finding a place big enough for herself and then me cramming in later on. I don't know, I don't want to jump into the idea too fast because it might not work out as well as I'm planning but getting things straightened out in my head before I pitch the idea to my mom couldn't be a bad thing.
When you know what makes you weak, it’s a lot easier to get stronger.