WIP for Reims Academy

Oct 14, 2011 15:31

The following is a work-in-progress application for reimsacademy and may be subject to changes before submission.

  PLAYER: Michael
  AGE: 25
    EMAIL: evespil @roadrunner.com (remove space)
    AIM: kept private due to privacy/spam concerns; please email or LJ PM to inquire
    PLURK: espilan
  PERSONAL LJ: hiyousei

  NAME: Selene Enari
  AGE: 16
  GENDER: Biological female, identifies as female.
  ENROLLMENT: Sponsored by a friend of the family.

Selene is a quiet individual who consistently worries about things, both serious and trivial. Despite this tendency to be overly-concerned with anything and everything around her, she is rarely angered or depressed, usually remaining in a good frame of mind unless her worries begin to become a reality. Among her many concerns is the way she is percieved by others, and the lingering thought that her peers might not accept her for who she is results in her being shy and acting uncomfortable around people she does not know well. Not helping matters is that she greatly dislikes confrontations of any sort; she is completely willing to compromise or even give up her own needs simply to get along with others, making it very easy for people to walk right over her if they so wished. This makes her a particularly-easy target for bullying.

Despite her hangups about perception and ridicule, Selene is generally cheerful and enjoys the company of others. She is almost painfully-honest at times, and is particularly quick to make friends when she puts forth the effort although she does not usually go out of her way to do so because she believes it to be easier to let others approach her instead. When involved in a group activity of some kind, she tends to remain quiet and follow rather than lead, as she feels she is unfit to take on leadership roles. With few exceptions, she dislikes noisy or high-energy activities and prefers quieter, calmer ways to spend her time.

Selene is especially interested in the world around her, and has a great curiosity particularly when it comes to nature. So great, in fact, that she was ironically one of the most-active members of the nature club in her previous school, which had also included but wasn't limited to her older brother and five mutual friends. Other activities she enjoys are sketching and photography, both greatly-influenced by her father. In addition to her interests, she genuinely enjoys helping others, and is more than willing to assist others when they need it. To her, doing things for the sake of others is its own reward, rather than a sacrifice. Thus, while she hasn't made any definite plans, she is considering going into the medical field after graduation, just as her mother did before her.

In regard to her personal goals, Selene is fairly-confident that she will be able to reach them. She is well-organized and usually operates by routines and schedules set in advance, but is also capable of dealing with sudden, unexpected things. She strives hard to reach her goals and certainly has the drive necessary to stay on track, but because of this she may occasionally come off as being single-minded or obsessive.

COMPUTER APTITUDE: Selene only really has basic computer knowledge; anything beyond the most-basic HTML and she's just completely lost.

ABILITIES / WEAKNESSES / ETC.: Selene's spoken languages are English and German. English is more-frequently used, but German can and probably will occur; feel free to have characters ICly use Google Translate or something when she uses it on intranet posts. She also has below-average strength and durability; phys-ed is considered a hassle, and she simply cannot hold her own in a fight.

Selene was born on October 18, 1995, to parents Elias and Virginia Enari. Her early years were spent primarily with her father, as her mother worked-and still works-a full-time job at a nearby hospital. As such, like her older brother Vicente, she was exposed at a very young age to art and nature, watching her father at work with either his sketchbook or his camera, which would shape her interests for the years to come. Beyond this, her life prior to school was rather uneventful.

During her first years of school, Selene was the "problem child" when it came to field trips, particularly if the trip in question were to a zoo of any sort. Being especially-curious by nature, she often wandered away from the rest of her class whenever something caught her attention, and on several occasions her parents were called as a direct result of the chaperones needing to take extra time to find her, which typically delayed the class's return home by a good half hour or so. Tired of having to look for her every single time, the school then requested that Elias himself accompany the class on its trips, to keep his daughter from wandering off too much. It was rather-embarrassing for her, being that it resulted in her being teased that her father had to babysit her. This ridicule was not something Selene handled very well, as it only resulted in her becoming increasingly-cautious when it came to dealing with her peers, much less anyone at all.

Middle school, although she never quite got over the thought that her classmates did not think well of her, was much better; there was a nature club which Selene promptly joined, only to learn that her brother and a handful of his friends were members of the same. The club's primary activity was simple observation and documentation, a task that Selene took to quite easily, especially after receiving a sketchbook and camera of her own. At times, the club would meet on weekends and embark on two- or three-day expeditions, setting up camp at night. On such trips, Selene herself was considered in charge of any necessary first-aid, utilizing things taught by her mother.

When it came time for Selene to enter high school, Elias was approached by one of the teachers from the middle school. Recognizing her interests and knowing that the local schools were not properly equipped to help her actually do anything with those interests, the teacher, Sara Rinaldi-who happened to be a longtime friend of Virginia's-made a surprisingly-generous offer: she would, without any strings attached, serve as Selene's sponsor if the girl was interested in enrolling at Reims Academy.



even that darn wombat is an F O E


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