Nov 21, 2011 14:11
My birthday was on Saturday and began with driving to Finsbury Park, which is never a good idea. On the other hand, the purpose of the drive was to pick up a chamber organ for our concert, and the owner of the chamber organ turned out to know the awesome Andrew Lawrence King, so that was good. After that it was all fun. We rehearsed in the afternoon and in the break Tom conducted a Happy Birthday (in four parts, with descant) for me and I produced nibbles for all. I went home to find that Kit and her husband, Rick, his girlfriend Andrea, and Peter had all arrived, shortly to be joined by my best friend Bradshaw. We had dinner and went to the concert (arriving by the skin of our teeth, but Tom was very forgiving) and the concert went spectacularly well. We returned home for cake, fizz and present-opening. I had some wonderful things, including a book on the geology of Hong Kong, a scarf handmade by my daughter, a combined jigsaw/crossword puzzle, a set of miniature Doctor figures, and a mug showing the TARDIS making an appearance in the Bayeaux Tapestry. I always seem to get lovely presents, I have such a nice family.