Request Feedback from SEGAMew

Aug 03, 2011 03:37

My Feedback page

Transacted with me recently? Traded, Purchase, Sold, etc? I owe you some feedback?

Then you've come to the right place! Please fill out the form and I'll get to feedbacking you shortly :D I will only leave feedback if our transaction is 100% completed. This means if I sold/traded to you, then this means that you already received the item(s) I sent. If you sold something to me, this means that I have fully received the item and I'm satisfied with it.

Note that if you sent me an item that was once MIP/MIB, and you mailed it in something other than a box (or you un-MIP/MIB it by flattening the box yourself), chances are it got smooshed and I'm more likely not to leave any sort of feedback because I'm ultra anal about that kind of thing.

Please fill out the form below!

Estimated transaction date:
Kind of Transaction (Buy/Sold/Trade/etc):
Community: pkmncollectors (please change this if it isn't pkmncollectors)
YOUR feedback page:
Date you left feedback for me: I'm less likely to leave feedback if you haven't done so for me, especially after you just viewed this page ;)


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