News: Primo - if Poles were the ones responsible for organisation of my scholarship...that organisation would be on the same level of orderliness ;).
Secundo - I've probably been on my last Cracow DevMeet before going where the Sun rises. It was one of the best ones! :)
Tertio - My friend has visited me and we went sightseeing together :). We went through the darkest corners of my city and then to eat an American doughnut with chocolate and banana cream :) in Tarnobrzeg and then to Sandomierz that offers billions of weird things to see (from the elephant's feet through the anchored sky to Napoleon's hair XD)
Quarto (or sth ;) ) I hope my friend's bad luck will go somewhere else, sigh. And that f***ing drivers will stop driving 80 km/h in housing estates >_>
Hero of the week: Ela (who visited me, spent some great time with me and gave me very pretty earrings *_*), MayFly and Max (conversation with them on DevMeet made my day :) )
Reading: Books! Look! There are books! ...uh, yeah >_>
'Confessions' by St. Augustine < I will probably never end it :D >; ’Is God Happy?' by Leszek Kolakowski , 'Polityka', 'Forum', 'Tygodnik Powszechny' < actually, the level of teh articles and their objectivity is uneven. Sigh. >, 'Catholics' by Tincq Henry, 'Tam, gdzie spadają anioły' by Terakowska . But I started to be interested in Swedenborg now)
Watching: 'One Piece' , Excel Saga , The Big Bang Theory , Planetes ,
Playing (!!!): The Suffering , The Puzzle Quest
Listening to: Ef: The Tale Of Memories Espressivo OST , 'Elephants' by Rachael Yamagata , 'All is white' by Emilie Simon ,
'The Famous Last Words' by My Chemical Romance , DeVotchka
Waiting for: the moment when I 'll be like two months in Japan and finally accustomed to everything ;)
Hoping for: dealing with everything successfully and that my friend's bad luck will end
Quote of the week: 'Cóż za fugas chrustas, doprawdy' XD
Radiostation of choice: ChilliZet, Tok FM, Eska Rock, Radio Roxy, Program Trzeci Polskiego Radia, Radio Kraków, Radio Euro, Antyradio, Radiofonia