I promised some people an update...

Feb 03, 2007 17:38

It's been... strange not having the internet for a month and a half, except for brief visits. The strangest part was that I didn't miss it.

I am now settled in England and finding it not nearly as wet or cold as I expected.

This is a good thing.

It snowed once. It made everyone crazy.

It took me four weeks to find dashi (not that I looked very hard before that).

Students are more interesting when they have self-control and advanced analytical skills.

Australians are very... Australian, no matter where in the world they are.

England is inefficient when it comes to money and organisation. Or it seems that way in comparison.

Trains are expensive.

I, apparently, need to start supporting a team. 'Team' in England automatically assumes football.

And I thought Kiwis were bad with rugby.

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