Mar 01, 2010 21:21

So, a couple of weeks ago, we kind of did an epic thing.

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I never actually thought I'd wear Edea again after the studio shoot, but apparently cielrose and k_chan009 had other ideas! They somehow got an entry code for the EB Australia's Biggest Final Fantasy Fan comp, and wanted exmotion and I to join in T_T So, after a couple of days of manic looking for locations, and two weeks of poor exmotion frantically making Rinoa in between full-time work and writing up her web folio (tienriu! Can you believe I *still* remember how we made that costume!? It was nearly 10 years ago!), we all went off with our faux-EB employee silvite_rewrite and camerawoman clamwings to Southland and Brighton Beach!

... oh yah, we went there. It was either there, or EB Melbourne Central and Cardinia Reservior, and I didn't particularly feel like getting arrested for trespassing on Melbourne Water's property XD;; And yiji_chan, we totally would have visited you, except that it might have gotten you in trouble D: But you were in our thoughts! ♥

Filming at Southland was actually not that bad. Sure, we had a couple of people asking us what we were doing, but not as many as I thought we would. What did annoy me were people who would cross over the bridge just so they would walk THROUGH us filming, especially the ones with children and prams! For goodness' sake, why APPROACH the people dressed in funny clothes?? Don't you know we're scary and weird and video games are the sole cause of violence in children? XD;;

The fight scene was filmed at the bottom of the South Road carpark at Brighton. We were actually doing really well until this random Greek family showed up and kept pushing us over towards the SHEER ROCK WALL and the HIGH TIDE and the KILLER WASPS and stuff... But I guess they kind of have a fair amount of cajones to yell and harass people flailing about with giant gunblades, and the wicked witch-type person with scary yellow eyes XD;; Maybe silvite_rewrite and exmotion were bringing down our weirdness quotient XD

Anyway, many and major thanks to everyone who made this day possible ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ It is always epically fun, amazing and inspiring to work with you all, and may there always be another cosplay for us to do together!

PS: Expect to see MEGA SPAMINATING of this clip if we make it into the voting round. You know we're counting on all of you to vote for us! If we win, we'll all be doing BCG 2040 hardsuit cosplays (with K as Priss!), posing with the motorcycle :D

PPS: Star Ocean: The Last Hope is funny XD Not quite as funny as Persona 4, but what could possibly be funnier? Thank goodness for Japanese soundtracks, though, if I had to listen to their English voices full time, I would be tearing my eardrums out.


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