Dec 15, 2004 12:47
But in the shadows the caucaloid festered and plotted thier overtaking of the marenosturmshemish who populated the land at that time in the sjefard areas and the esavim also. This balanced continuation continued as the world dried up and the sands became airborne with the children of the dust who will return to the dust and the main serpents of the desert who coalesced with the statues of zonimnegev who said to them to begin the evening of the red moon upon the mounts of the alpinam who where then the ricolim of the swisism and their brethren who ate goats. In the land of the ishshem was barren for food but full of spirts who gave them access to the ehadish who had taken favor to their men, who had recieved the gift of the RULE that was given to Masut who was the brother of Enron who had the tables of dominoes set up for the Perez of Aedes. Then came more who did and saw as the ehadish had comanded upon them to do so and to continue with ever expanding quotas of liability of the spirt and comprehensive coverage of the soul upon their full coverage frumkheit. And as it continued then came daui the man who built the entrance of the batcazar of the alcazar and his son Shelomo ish Irahochmatshemehad, who finished the alcazar of the ishehad. and then it continued with the babasman and the drinkierman and the whoreman who conquered the land and then worshiped the deadman of the north whose following converted into a charade of the caucasoid and the morrison who then led to the man with the funny mustache who caused the imperfection of the broken x or the burnt arrow that is still in the north and their volkermanmetish who is then the schnuller and the nuggi who placed it where it was placed and then prevented the quota from being finished. They had a vested interest in preventing the shemish from achieving their goal of the quotas and thus did whatever was in their purpose to stop them. Thus the ehadish cursed them by making their hair yellow and said to them you are the discolored heads that shall not achieve full elightment.
At that point the mamzerim re-entered the sea of sheol and the city of shaul from there they crossed untot he mortal realm and looked upon the caucaloid and said to them: " For thou is the original recipients and shall not be left unopen thy shall have the tool of the allegation that is given upon the katanrasha" , but he caucaloid where not convinced they demanded that the mamzerim give them an ally wich they could deny as an ally but with whom they could secretly plot to destroy the shemish and render them unto the shadow to fester as they had but they would also build a system of ocefas to prevent their re-entering. Thus the Mamzerimgedolim appeared to the Hametim (aka sheolim kattan) and told upon their leader Iresav Sheoli that his grandson would have a line of desendants called the Sheolimkattan ish dariel and would serve the mamzergedol by the name of dariel their leader. So the sheolimkattan joined the caucaloid and attempted to prevent the quotas from being produced, although publickly they denounced each other and the caucaloid ruled over the sheolimkattan, but it was an illusion for they where mere allies.