(no subject)

Apr 02, 2007 20:43

I finally secombed to the sweet seduction of the PS3 and broke down and bought one today...god that was a big chunck of money...

Havn't hooked it up yet but i'm looking forward to it. LOL. I also bough Guitar Hero II yesterday and I picked up the first one today along with God of War #1, cause I beat the second one and now I have to know what happens in the first one to know how everything leads up to the second one.

I also went to Blockbuster today to trade in the movie I'd rented on Saturday. Hey Sooth, I rented Blade Trinity and in the case was Blade II lol. so I brought it back and they switched the movie for the actual one I wanted to rent. that was amusing.

Nothing else much...work is going well, I'm looking forward to anime north again this year. I'm sure it will be as much if not more fun then last year.
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