My weekend to work but not much working took place

Feb 25, 2007 14:40

So technically I was supposed to work this weekend but my schedule got all mixed up and I only saw three people yesterday. This is what happened, every fourth weekend I got up to Rockland to do two patients, and it was my weekend to go up. But the person that did the scheduling took me off of that and gave the two patients to two of the other nurses that go see them. I found this out cause I got a call from one of my supervisors asking if I would do a palliative night shift on Saturday, I gave up the clients in rockland and took the night shift. So all I would have to do is the three clients that I had in town, and they would replace them today. so it ended up that the person that I was going to do the palliative shift for passed away so that got cancelled. so I did my three people yesterday and didn't want to stay home. My weekend of work ended up more like my weekend off.

So I went to Ottawa with Sooth and the bro, yesterday, came home with a crap load of manga and what not. We went to the comic book shop and I picked up two books for Hakumei, and picked something like 14 for myself and 8 bleach posters that I have no idea where I'm gonna put them up, that will require much thought and stuff. Then we went to chapters down in southkeys and I picked up another manga that I needed.

After that we went to the walmart there cause I had a massive chocolate craving and the pocky that Daniel had bought just wasn't cutting it. I love easter time, it's when the best type of chocolate is available. Woot! picked up some of that, I also bought a cadbury box that comes with this little bunny and it's supposed to do the whole buck buck buck thing but it's defective and doesn't work but it's really cute.

After Walmart we stopped at the St. Laurent and walked around for a bit then ate food. we stopped at Music world where I bought the new Fallout Boy cd and DVD #2 of Bleach. After that we headed home. Chilled at my place for a bit and then went over to Hakumei's to hang out, where we watched TV and hung out.

It felt good to go out of town for something other then work, I had lots of fun hang out with Sooth in ottawa. lol. I so need to do that more often.

That's about it.
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