Miss K (
http://blog.aromaleigh.com/blog/) listed 100 things she is thankful for and said that since I was reading it, I am tagged! It's a good thing to do anyway I think so let's get started. Im thankful for all of my friends by the way, but I don't want to sit here and just list names, so if you THINK you're in one of my categories, then you are! hehe (^_^) If any part of it is like "why is she thankful for that?" go ahead and ask and I'd be happy to explain! :) Some of this reads like a Christmas wish list, but I really am thankful for a lot of these things... like the printer. I could just be shallow and say "yay stuff!" but you see, the printer I have allows me to work at my own pace, and not what I can get done before Staples closes. It makes my life a heck of a lot easier!
1. A warm home
2. My parents
3. Aaron
4. My friends
5. My family
6. The fact that Aarons parents love me (^_^)
7. The internet
8. My camera
9. My pets
10. Artistic ability
11. Mineral makeup
12. Music
13. Weekends
14. Dresses
15. My queen sized bed
16. Papillons
17. Sleep
18. My Focus car
19. Tickets to see the Steelers on Sunday!
20. Warcraft
21. My guitar
22. Tissues
23. Food!
24. Spock Bear
25. Epson printer
26. Sephora
27. Aromaleigh!
28. My Toshiba
29. *grumble* The Mac
30. Tripods
31. Chai
32. Vanilla Lattes
33. Hot showers
34. My upcoming trip to Nebraska, Utah and Vegas
35. Hair Straighteners
36. Babies (looking @ Ben hehe)
37. Clickie nails
38. TV
39. Vent
40. Chocolate scented body products mmmmm
41. Cell phones
42. Sight
43. Graduating next spring
44. The prospect of finally moving out
45. Foxes
46. Thunderstorms
47. Sunrises and sunsets
48. Shiny earrings
49. Clean laundry fresh from the dryer
50. Disney
51. Not picking my fingers anymore - even if it does stress me out
52. Mail!
53. Reading a good book
54. Boyfriend sweatshirts
55. Lindeman's Raspberry Framboise
56. Aaron's guitar pick
57. Clean bed sheets
58. Eyeliner
59. Fuzzy blankets
60. Chicken ball
61. Roses
62. Snow
63. Clickie pencils
64. Ducks
65. Helpful cousins
66. Dreaming
67. Christmas break
68. Oil Sticks
69. Mythbusters
70. Doggie head tilts
71. Amazon.com
72. Rockwells
73. All sorts of movies
74. The smell of baking bread
75. Nail day
76. Gmail
77. iPods
78. Pocket Dragons
79. Pain tolerance
80. Cuddles with Aaron
81. Days I don't need an alarm clock
82. Super Nintendo
83. Diet Coke
84. Fresh cut grass
85. Christmas lights
86. New Years Eve
87. Birthdays
88. Moms crazy art supply collection
89. Enlisted peoples
90. Rainy days
91. M*A*S*H
92. External hard drives
93. The notes mom leaves for me on the floor
94. Sweatshirt weather
95. Getting out of the nursing program
96. Service dog puppy trainers
97. Late night conversations
98. Doggie kisses
99. Hearing about good deeds of others
100. Free time