One week from today, I'd have left Mazembeni for the final time this summer and also left behind all the incredible people that have formed an important part of the seven weeks in community. It seems unreal that only a week is left, and I wonder how I'll feel when I get back to the modern world and all its conveniences and time-filling aspects. What will I remember from this and how will I change, or will I just revert to my previous self once I get back to Chicago? What will I have left behind in the people and the community I've been a part of?
This last week is also the final lap for all of us trying to do as much as we can to progress on our projects and prepare for the final innovation exhibition on Saturday. At the same time, there's also an urge to do all the things left on my todo list of village experiences and to prepare cards and gifts for the people I'm leaving. My team has been doing pretty well - on Sunday we completed most of the tent for the car wash, all with materials found in the village or from our team members. We chopped wood to make the frame, got old pieces of zinc for the roof and untangled wire from an abandoned house to tie the wood together. We've also been collecting plastic bottles to store water, putting up adverts and painting signs for the car wash. Today we had a meeting where the team wrote their constitution themselves - Maria and I just watched them for the first 15 minutes and gave a few guiding suggestions afterwards, but it was mostly their work. It's an encouraging sign that they seem to be taking ownership and responsibility for the car wash, and that we seem all ready for the opening on Friday! I've also had lots of thoughts about social impact and what exactly we're doing here, but will save that for a longer post when we get back to Nelspruit and wifi. Till then, I'll be trying to make the most of these last six days!
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