those numbers arnt right. 1gram of the opium we get is about 15 dollars so 1000 grams would be alot more then 90. also if they are talking about real opium not the synthetic shit we end up getting then it would be a hell of alot more then that. and although it is true that alot of cannibus users are in jail for things they shouldnt be there for which in turns wastes tax dollars, anyone who pushes heroin should be there. Alot of those statements are true, but alot of the are circumstantial evidence that have no real proof behind them like "people often times come out of jails more harmed or more harmful than before." Not to say i dont support legalization of cannibus but there are alot of things people dont take into account when they make that statement, for instance, during prohibition people wanted the legalization of alcohol, they got it, then they wanted legalization of weed, they got it. With that pattern couldnt the next thing be something that really is harmful, like heroin or crack? Basically what im saying is do your research before you buy into articles like this because the internet doesnt have any laws about making up statistics and information.
hope college is going well. perhaps ill see you over break.
thats 90 for opium that peeps buy in afghanistan dude. thats "farmstock" as the article put it.
people often come out of jails harmed and more harmful is kind of like a logical effect of jail if you think about it. you go in and maybe get raped and your life sux and you might have your life threatened and shit like that.
im not saying, and the article isnt saying, that legalization of crack and heroin is necessarly a completely good thing, but the harm done by our countries rediculous drug laws is probably larger than the harm done by the drugs themselves, although its hard to say that because we havent tried legalization. maybe when crack and heroin is legalized there will be less people getting involved in crime because they have to deal with the illegal market of drugs, and maybe if the government wasnt so focused on enforcement it could work on treatment, prevention and education, which is a more logical way to deal with the drug problem.
anyone who pushed heroin should be there? what are they doing wrong? the selling of heroin is a legitimate transaction between a buyer who wants a product, and seller who wants to profit off of selling that product. heroin dealers dont make people take heroin, the users decide for themselves. maybe if they were better educated they might not want to take heroin, but a lot of people probably just dont give a shit, and in my opinion it isn't the role of the government to protect people from hurting themselves individually.
wait are you saying at one point the people in general wanted nugs legalized and got it? i dont understand your point about prohibition
spelling errors galorecuddles_thebearDecember 21 2005, 05:01:23 UTC
I do see how people can become "more harmful" in jail but from my point of view, people who do become more harmful already had the potential to be that way, it has nothing to do with the physical act of being in jail.
as for education of drugs, honestly tell me that you really took D.A.R.E. seriously. you cant educate people on stuff that they either dont want to hear or dont care enough to hear.
And as for heroin pushers. your right they dont force you to take the drug but they are perpetuating the use of heroin which i think we can all agree is negative. Selling someone something that can do absolutely nothing except harm them, which as far as my research goes heroin has no positive effects except for those recovering from it, is bad. I see it as the same as selling a child a grenade. The child is obviously too stupid to realize what it is or fully understand the reprocussions of their actions. Although it is very true that adults are smarter then children, any adult who really understands the reprocussions of heroin wont do it. and so your arguement comes in of "what if they know what it does and they want to do it anyways" well if the government cracks down on heroin, then that will make an even smaller margin of users who will have to find means of getting it within their own network so they and only they can be held responsible for their demise.
and about prohibition, im saying that when booze was illegal, people (the same type who today want "nugs" legalized) wanted it legal. now that its legal, the same kinds of people who wanted booze to be legal, want it legalized. well if with each legalization people want another different drug legalized, how long till they legalize something that is awful, like heroin.
im not trying to split hairs, just giving my .02 about the issues at hand. the main reason why i feel so strongly about researching topics and especially this one is because when people who are anti weed think of weed they think of the kids who giggle every time they hear the word pot. Because of societys negative view on pot and pot-heads it is vital that those of us who want weed legalized for good reasons like medical uses, relaxation and most importantly of all, fun, have done the research and have the ability to voice themselves in a manor that can be looked at repectably and make people think, "hmm, maybe smoking a doobie once in awhile isn't that bad". Also when people start talking about how heroin and crack is ok when i have seen how many lives it has ruined, and im sure you have seen some account of it with doctor parents, it just makes me wonder how society can be so ignorant.
Keep in mind this is all my opinion. ive done alot research on drugs, even if it is mainly because i want to make sure i wont get fucked when i use them.
i dont care to check my spelling errors, speshaly wen im baykdseewithyourmindDecember 23 2005, 06:18:47 UTC
about education, i realize taht dare was the worst shit ever. i never said that i supported taht kind of education, because dare isnt education in my opinion. they tell you to say no. they draw a picture of a brain on the board and say this is your brain, then they erase half and say this is your brain on nugs. its stupid shit, just abstinence preaching. i support harm reduction. peeps should recognize that kids are going to take drugs no matter what they say, and they should inform kids of the true risks, and they should educate kids in how to be safe and to do stupid shit, then overall the effect of education would be a lot more beneficial.
"if the government cracks down on heroin, then that will make an even smaller margin of users who will have to find means of getting it" nothing the government does will ever stop the flow of drugs into the hands of the peeps who want them. the governemtn has cracked down, they've cracked down like fucking crazy, and availablity hasnt dropped by any significant amount. i'm not saying heroin is a good thing. i'm not saying heroin dealers are mad cool. i'm just agreeing with the article in saying that trying to enforce laws could be doing more harm than the drugs are doing themselves. yeah, heroin has a tendency to fuck up people's lives, but so does sending a contributing member of a family to jail.
yeah i want peeps to respect reformed marijuana law activits too. it sux cuz so many pot smokahs just dont give a shit. my friend was annoyed at this recent candidate for the governor of NJ who was a huge pot-head, cuz in interviews he was like "maaaan i smoked a joint on the way over to this interview, its chillll, and you should be able to do that man"
hope college is going well. perhaps ill see you over break.
people often come out of jails harmed and more harmful is kind of like a logical effect of jail if you think about it. you go in and maybe get raped and your life sux and you might have your life threatened and shit like that.
im not saying, and the article isnt saying, that legalization of crack and heroin is necessarly a completely good thing, but the harm done by our countries rediculous drug laws is probably larger than the harm done by the drugs themselves, although its hard to say that because we havent tried legalization. maybe when crack and heroin is legalized there will be less people getting involved in crime because they have to deal with the illegal market of drugs, and maybe if the government wasnt so focused on enforcement it could work on treatment, prevention and education, which is a more logical way to deal with the drug problem.
anyone who pushed heroin should be there? what are they doing wrong? the selling of heroin is a legitimate transaction between a buyer who wants a product, and seller who wants to profit off of selling that product. heroin dealers dont make people take heroin, the users decide for themselves. maybe if they were better educated they might not want to take heroin, but a lot of people probably just dont give a shit, and in my opinion it isn't the role of the government to protect people from hurting themselves individually.
wait are you saying at one point the people in general wanted nugs legalized and got it? i dont understand your point about prohibition
as for education of drugs, honestly tell me that you really took D.A.R.E. seriously. you cant educate people on stuff that they either dont want to hear or dont care enough to hear.
And as for heroin pushers. your right they dont force you to take the drug but they are perpetuating the use of heroin which i think we can all agree is negative. Selling someone something that can do absolutely nothing except harm them, which as far as my research goes heroin has no positive effects except for those recovering from it, is bad. I see it as the same as selling a child a grenade. The child is obviously too stupid to realize what it is or fully understand the reprocussions of their actions. Although it is very true that adults are smarter then children, any adult who really understands the reprocussions of heroin wont do it. and so your arguement comes in of "what if they know what it does and they want to do it anyways" well if the government cracks down on heroin, then that will make an even smaller margin of users who will have to find means of getting it within their own network so they and only they can be held responsible for their demise.
and about prohibition, im saying that when booze was illegal, people (the same type who today want "nugs" legalized) wanted it legal. now that its legal, the same kinds of people who wanted booze to be legal, want it legalized. well if with each legalization people want another different drug legalized, how long till they legalize something that is awful, like heroin.
im not trying to split hairs, just giving my .02 about the issues at hand. the main reason why i feel so strongly about researching topics and especially this one is because when people who are anti weed think of weed they think of the kids who giggle every time they hear the word pot. Because of societys negative view on pot and pot-heads it is vital that those of us who want weed legalized for good reasons like medical uses, relaxation and most importantly of all, fun, have done the research and have the ability to voice themselves in a manor that can be looked at repectably and make people think, "hmm, maybe smoking a doobie once in awhile isn't that bad". Also when people start talking about how heroin and crack is ok when i have seen how many lives it has ruined, and im sure you have seen some account of it with doctor parents, it just makes me wonder how society can be so ignorant.
Keep in mind this is all my opinion. ive done alot research on drugs, even if it is mainly because i want to make sure i wont get fucked when i use them.
"if the government cracks down on heroin, then that will make an even smaller margin of users who will have to find means of getting it" nothing the government does will ever stop the flow of drugs into the hands of the peeps who want them. the governemtn has cracked down, they've cracked down like fucking crazy, and availablity hasnt dropped by any significant amount. i'm not saying heroin is a good thing. i'm not saying heroin dealers are mad cool. i'm just agreeing with the article in saying that trying to enforce laws could be doing more harm than the drugs are doing themselves. yeah, heroin has a tendency to fuck up people's lives, but so does sending a contributing member of a family to jail.
yeah i want peeps to respect reformed marijuana law activits too. it sux cuz so many pot smokahs just dont give a shit. my friend was annoyed at this recent candidate for the governor of NJ who was a huge pot-head, cuz in interviews he was like "maaaan i smoked a joint on the way over to this interview, its chillll, and you should be able to do that man"
as well as a plethora of run on sentences and lack of apostrophes!
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