i'm going to post a shit ton of pictures y'all. i stole that y'all phrase from geoff, idk i dont think it works for me, i'm not going to say it again. I'm going to lj cut this because i'm not a bitch
I've been watching the olympics every night. That means i've been staying up until at least 1:30, most of you don't really know me but thats just not what i do. I don't think staying up late is really that cool cuz i like sleep. yeaaaah, i saw my boyfriend yesterday.
lol idk all the seen heads is funny to me. probably not funny to you.
it was hannahs decision to walk through there...
we are fucking weird, but i guess no more weird than you think you and your best friend are.
thats not okay.
i'm ugly. i was just imitatin carrie.
they both like to touch their glasses. those are acutally my glasses that max is wearing, dont worry.
marco rivas
david has nice hands.
but they hurt him
i love bitches.
allan is a baby
heyyyyy chris
the guy in the blue hat is a male figure sk8r. they was drunk asses.